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St. Stephen's Day has come and gone. That means we're in the midst of the Feast of Fools, which climaxes on New Year's Day. At least in the present Gregorian calendar, anyway. In the Julian one, the festivities are still a few days off. 

Which is the correct observance is a trivial matter, especially when it comes to the Feast of Fools. This entire of time the year, with it's legacy of the Saturnalia and various New Years celebrations, is unquestionable the time of the fool. That's because he's the ultimate reversal of social order, which is what this time of year is all about. Saturn being freed from his cube and all. 

The real question is, who gets to be the King Fools, or the Lord of Misrule as he's known in the UK, this year? Our friend Sam Bankman-Fried has been making a compelling case in recent days. But that was before word broke of kickboxing champion,  "Men's Rights" activist, and alt-right social media personality Emory Alexander Tate III's (that's Andrew Tate to us) arrest in Romania on charges of sex trafficking. 

Tate has quite the background, to put it mildly. And he's been engaged in a symbolically-charged Twitter feud with Greta Thunberg since the Feast of Fools began. Seriously, even the inevitable Masonic and Pizzagate references are present. 

I think we've found our Lord of Misrule. Just listen to my case for Mr. Tate, who's arrest would have occurred on the 17th of Julian calendar to boot. 

Music: Keith Allen Dennis





Well King of Fools is pretty easy there, Joe Biden Haha!