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surveillance capitalism, Shoshaa Zuboff, fascism, communism, capitalism, industrial revolution, Peace of Westphalia, the rise of the nation-state, capitalism dependence of the nation-state, information revolution, digital age, the decline of the nation-state and the rise of networking, totalitarianism, misconceptions of left and right in 21st century, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, hive mind, hive mind in Anonymous, hive mind in QAnon, mainstreaming of hive mind, AI, AI as "Big Other," behavioral modification, predictability, the "unknown market" vs predictive modeling, reciprocity, end of reciprocity, collectivism, collectivism essential to predictive modeling and surveillance capitalism, Google and Peter Thiel as architects of surveillance capitalism, Palantir, Operation Warp Speed/Operation Tiberius Kirk, Palantir and Citizen Application, Palantir in the UK, Nadhim Zahawi, Bilderberg, Le Cercle, Davos, Palantir, Clearview AI and Jan 6, Erik Larson, Peter Thiel as Contrarian, Thiel doesn't believe in AI?, cybernetics, feedback loops, technological limits, derangement of society, 2022/2024 elections, post-capitalism, post-fascism



Craig McCallum

Any mention of Jacques ellul and the technological system in previous episodes? I just ordered the zuboff book and anticipate she will reference him about as frequently as kaczynski does.

D.K. Wilson

I can now only wish a betting site had odds for some sort of crazy-realistic advanced Oculus coming out during the planscamic. There was NO WAY any part of all that had, “Let’s ease their tensions by giving them something to lose themselves in other than the fear-based divisive narratives we control.”