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This hard-hitting State of the Union runs the gauntet: Is the Ukraine conflict being driven by the collapsing COVID narrative? Is said narrative tied to the alleged bioweapons facilities in Ukraine? In a nation awash with human trafficking, does this raise the specter of fantastic human experimentation? And is it connected to Zelensky's cyberneticist father?

And that's just the first hour. We apply synchro-mysticism to the first postmodern World War, ponder the ongoing cyberwar, the sginficance of the flap over The Interview, and even muse whether a sentient AI is playing a role in events presently unfolding. Things come out of the ether for the wrap-up, where the possbility of an ongoing civil war within the US military is explored. Along the way, the Durham probe, crypto, and the new econmic order all get their due. Not to be missed. 



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