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March is going to be a busy month for me, with trips to Wisconsin, Mexico, and Utah on the horizon. I'm writing this post in a hotel in Milwaukee on the last night of my stay in WI. I arrived in the midst of Ash Wednesday. It occurred on 3/2/22 this year. That's quite fitting with the Discordian drift my life has taken of late. 

Early signs indicate 2022 may be the most Discordian year on record. 2021 started off with a Discordian-inspired cup. 2022 is descending into a Discordian-style World War III before spring even arrives. Was Zelensky's appearance at the front all done with CGI? Are participants consciously LARPing WWII in preparation for WWIII? Is this the end of the world, consensus reality, or both? 

It was quite apt that I spent Ash Wednesday interviewing a Cybernetic Cultural Research Unit (Ccru)-inspired magician well versed in chaos magick and the work of the DKMU. We took a deep dive into the Ccru's concept of time sorcery, which you guys are going to love. From there, I departed for downtown Milwaukee where We've Spiders Welcome's David Barski and The Weird Part's Vincent Treewell joined me for a night experiencing All Them Witches. 

And I mean experience. If I wasn't already an ATW convert before having seen them live, this may have verged on a religious experience. The band is diverse, incorporating elements of blues, folk, stoner rock, doom metal, and psychedelia into their rootsy brew. I knew this going in, but to see it live and how effortlessly the band weaves all these threads together is something to behold. Throw in some highly esoteric lyricism and imagery, and one is left with quite the witches brew indeed. 

I'd hoped to make it up to Devil's Lake today (3/3/22 no less!), but everyone was pretty wiped out from the night before. Still, I was able to chase down some interesting leads. A lot of weird stuff goes on in this area, far beyond what I've already explored on air. To describe it as black as night would be an understatement. Hopefully someday I will be able to shed light on it. In the meantime, I'd like to remind you guys that despite everything, there's still beauty and wonder in this world.



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