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Alright kids, for this installment I'm joined again by the great Christopher Knowles. He is the author of Our Gods Wear Spandex, The Secret History of Rock 'N' Roll, and most recently The Endless American Midnight (an expanded edition of which was just issued). He has also written the novel He Will Live Up in the Sky and is the longtime curator of a little blog called The Secret Sun. Finally, he manages the Secret Sun Institute of Advanced Synchromysticism, which you should all sign up for ASAP.

This is a timely geopolitical discussion that uses the Maxwell trial as a spring board. But before getting to the good stuff, we explore the incredible milieu surrounding MIT in the first half of the twentieth century. Thanks in no small part to Vannevar Bush, the school became one of the nation's most powerful institutions by the end of World War II. Chris and I discuss the role Bush played in setting up the National Defense Research Council, the famous Radiation Laboratory, and it's successor, the Lincoln Lab. These institutions were crucial in molding a host of arcane beliefs, from Ufology and modern day science fiction; to cybernetics and transhumanism. And when they weren't cosplaying, they were busy creating the modern military-industrial complex. Some incredible figures were a part of this scene, including Alan Turing (who is not what the media portrays him as being...), Norbert Wiener, and John G. Trump, the uncle of Donald J.

From there, we explore the curious history of the Maxwell family and the enigmatic John Brockman. It was Brockman and his Edge Foundation that provided Epstein with an inroads to the scientific elite. Brockman's legacy also has curious parallels with that of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine's father. And inevitably, the MIT Media Lab and Stewart Brand come up a time or two. We also examine the various movements Epstein was linked too, including nu-atheism, Disclosure (Robert F. Kennedy Jr...), woke, etc.

To wrap up, we're explore the current geopolitical environment: Biden rapid cognitive decline, the equally rapid decline of American military power, and recent actions taken by Russia and China in Central Asia. I even breakdown the pissing match between Raytheon and Palantir over who gets to build the US Army's counterinsurgency software. So basically, nearly a hundred years of history right up to events from the past week in less than three hours. Not bad, even by the standards Chris and I say set. As always, I hope you guys enjoy and thanks for your support!


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