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Our guest for this subscriber's episode is Andre Gagne, a full profession of religious studies at Concordia University. His areas of expertise include Neocharismatic-Pentecostalism, evangelicalism, fundamentalism, the Christian Right, religious violence, and the interpretation and reception of the Bible and related literature such as the Gospel of Thomas and Gnostic works.

In this wide-ranging discussion, we explore various aspects of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement and related ideologies. The NAR possesses an almost Medieval worldview. Emerging around the same time as the neo-Pagan movement in these United States, the NAR contributed in their own to the re-enchantment of the West. But whereas the neo-Pagans saw wonder, the NAR envisioned a world awash in angels, demons, and other principalities.

Andre and I explore some of the most peculiar ritualism of the NAR, much of it related to their concept of spiritual warfare. Binding and other tools are noted, as well as the NAR's concept of "territorial spirits" and it's similarities to occultic concepts of egrergores.

Inevitably, we delve into the "Manifested Sons of God" and "Seven Mountains" concepts. This leads to a fascinating discussion concerning how the NAR and related movements will deal with Trump's defeat. The most compelling aspect of this conversation, however, is our discussion of language and translations. The NAR worldview has made phenomenal inroads to mainline Christian sects in this fashion. Words have power and this movement is well aware of this.


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