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Joining me for this installment in out Patron collection is the legendary parapolitical researcher Douglas Valentine. He is the author of The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam, The Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America's War on Drugs, The Strength of the Pack: The Personalities, Politics, and Espionage Intrigues that Shaped the DEA, and most recently The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World.

In this one on one discussion Douglas and I explore the legacy of Federal Bureau Narcotics (FBN) agent Garland Williams. While long overshadowed by the legendary George Hunter White (he of Operation Midnight Climax infamy), Williams is the FBN agent to exert the most profound influence on the American national security state. We explore how Williams helped create the Army's famed Counterintelligence Corp and, later, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In the process, he laid the foundation for much of the modern day national security state. During the postwar years, he remained active, playing a crucial role in re-launching the international drug trade. Finally, we get into the potential role Williams played in either Projects ARTICHOKE or MK-ULTRA.

To wrap up, I have Douglas reflect on the little remarked upon role the Phoenix Program had on the international drug trade. Valentine expands on this, and brings things back home with an overview how this legacy is still playing out. All in all, an insightful chat with one of the greatest parapolitical researchers of them all.


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