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"House of Leaves," Mark Danielewski, Anne Danielewski (Poe), Tad Danielewski, "Haunted," the "Haunted" album's relation to "House of Leaves," Chicago, Joseph Matheny, Kevin Carter, the Bang Bang Club, Apartheid South Africa, Carter's Pulitzer Prize, Carter's suicide, how "Leaves" uses Carter's death and legacy, deep fake technology, "House of Leaves" as prophetic of deep fakes, alternate reality games (ARGs), AI, deep fakes created by AI, Petscop, the future of ARGs, the actual narrator of "House of Leaves," popular theories about what "Leaves" is about, "Leaves" as a metaphor for mental illness, labyrinths, Tracy Twyman, how Twyman's suicide mirrors one in "Leaves," magick, magick chilld, chaos magic, Grant Morrison, "The Invisibles," "Leaves" as a magical working

Music by: Keith Allen Dennis


Additional Music by: J Money



David Mcpherson

A+ episode. Great vibe between recluse and the guest.