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Chapter 59 is here! A bit late, but at least I didn't postpone again this time.

No worldbuilding. I was messing with maps, trying to make a proper world map, but it didn't work out. I definitely intend to make a world map at some point, though. And I'll try to work on actual articles soon, too.

Anyway, I hope you like it.



17:00 in California. It’s still on time as far as I’m concerned. :P


.....so zorian gets stronger, and one of the keys is found.......except.....noooo. I am curious though, that restart where zorian tricked the lich with the coin, did the key remain with the body? If yes, and I assume yes then that is a method he can use. All he has to do is repeat a god-level bluff.


I can’t deal with how intense that chapter was. I don’t know how you do it. // I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year. Maybe once I’ve written something significant, I’ll be able to give you more constructive criticism. At this point, I can't see beyond what I’m feeling.


maybe a gun could be configured to launch a dispelling bullet at Quatach Ichl, though I remember such enchantments were not easily workable when Zorian was first toying with the idea. Zorian is much more skilled now though


Maybe Zach and Zorian can somehow disrupt the schedule of dark room activation with something relatively minor at the very beginning of the restart? Some bureaucratic complication can give them time to properly infiltrate the facility and take advantage of 2 activations per restart?


So, here is hoping that Silverlake has one of the keys. Three guesses what she asks for in return for the key, and the first two don't count.

Bruno Salque

yeah, mentally controlled spider to get to Silverlake ^^


Got a question for you. Can a simulacrum be used as a multiplier (ala Kage Bunshin from Naruto) for studying?


If you're referring to the way KB can apparently send all its memories to the original upon destruction and flawlessly and seamlessly integrate them into their mind... no, simulacrum is nothing that convenient. It gives no skills or memories back to its creator upon destruction. It can be used for study help by having it explore paths the original is interested in and then passing judgement about how useful they (think) they are, and by having them sift through a lot of raw information to find important details, which can save time.


On your fictionpress page, you said some "stuff in between is optional or subject to change". Out of curiosity, what's the progress been on that front? Have any plot threads been altered since you wrote that? Dropped?


Nothing has been changed. Some things did get dropped, but nothing plot related. It just that the story originally had far more wandering around and solving random sidequests with no connection to the main plot, and I eventually decided those would just hurt the flow of the story and bore readers. Plus, they would make it hard for me to finish the story in a reasonable amount of time.

Bruno Salque

The next chapter is going to be quite special : it will be more or less a 5 years anniversary of MOL ! Nice men !


Woah, really? Amazing! :)


I agree; i’d love them figure out a way to wiggle in that initial black room activation