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Mother of Learning Chapter 47: Politics, a fantasy fiction | FictionPress

Politics Sitting alone in the train's compartment, Zorian stared through the window at the passing landscape, lost in thought and not really paying attention to what he was looking at.



Thanks for the story. The deeper magical creatures seem quite deadly. Is there some reason crystal oozes or frog monsters are not the dominant species on the surface as opposed to humans?


They need ambient mana to survive, and lots of it. They couldn't live on the surface for long, and even shallower portions of the Dungeon are uncomfortable for them. In fact, ALL magical creatures need certain levels of ambient mana to live - and the more magical they are, the greater their demands for ambient mana. They don't die immediately if they don't get enough, but they'll basically begin to starve if they move out of the area capable of supporting them.


Oh my god, that chapter was really good. Are you able to anything to reduce your posting time from 3 weeks? This chapter was just so good; I really want to know what happens in this next. I mean, even if you posted a bit of unpolished world building for this, that would be totally amazing. Is there anything as a reader that I can to reduce your posting time? I'll totally do it, assuming I don't procrastinate. :P Regarding your world building, it would be really cool to actually see more of that. Not to say that it would be a waste, but it would be a shame for all the work that you put into this world and others to never see the light of day. Sorry for guilting you :( But it would really cool to look through. (I'd imagine that it's embarrasing to post unpolished work though.) Heh, imagine *accurate* fanfiction. That'd be cool. (Is there any fanfiction out there anyway?) Is there any information that your willing to give away on the warding system? I'd imagine not, as that's kinda the point. I'm just gonna write two theories down, just to have. One is that it's controlled by a soul. Maybe it's Sudomir's soul or a captured soul. Maybe he just wove soul magic into it that allows it to be smarter, I dunno. (That makes me think that he might be forced to stay in his mansion if it's controlled by his soul, unless it can relink up after he leaves. If that was the case, his public persona could be an illusion like he showed.) The other option would be some sort of loop that tests what the structured magic is supposed to do and restructures the wards to prevent that. You said that the wards disrupt structured magic, so Zorian should be able to do his unstructured magic in there instead, right? Seems like Xvim is smart in this regard. :) Keep writing! :)


YES It's out thankyousomuch. For some reason, this chapter felt a fair bit faster than the previous ones, in spite of the large amounts of exposition. Regardless, I loved learning about the Aranean politics and it's great to see the return of the Cyorian and Ticlin webs, especially the 'shady' ones. Lots of small hints to other minor plot points in the process. Sudomir is a fantastic villian; I'm hoping he actually twirls his moustache at some point. Unrelated question: does the Cyoria Web have a name? Or is it simply The Cyoria Web?


Aranea do indeed call whatever Web controls Cyoria simply as 'The Cyoria Web'; aranean names for their communities are descriptive, and owning Cyoria sort of supersedes all other characteristics. Whatever name they had before, they are simple the Cyorian Web afterwards. But if you're really curious, the current Cyorian Web was once known as Obelisk Shapers.


New chapter. Get Hype! It was a good one too thanks as always Domagoj! I wonder what is controlling the wards in the mansion? Magical AI? Captured soul of one of the necromancers victims? I look forward to finding out.


Get hyped for new chapter this weekend! Wooohooo! Anyways, how are you doing Domagoj? :)


Decently. The first months of the year are always a bit hectic to accountants like me, but I manage. The chapter is chugging along and should be up on schedule. When is that exactly? Nobody knows... :)


Early release please? Xxx


I'll suffer for staying up at work tomorrow! but I need my mother of learning fix! XD