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Hello, dear patrons. I see that you still haven't all abandoned me, despite the fact that the story is done and I haven't posted anything new in a while. Damn. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised... patience is kind of a required trait for following me, ha ha...

Anyway. First, there is some new worldbuilding I have for you all:


I haven't posted as much worldbuilding as I hoped, but eh. I was kind of busy. Anyway, I figured it might be a good idea to give people a short overview of what has been happening, even if I don't really have much to say.

I have been slowly editing the story ever since it was done. Very slowly. It's not anywhere near done, but it's slowly inching forwards.

Nothing had happened in regards to publishing as of yet. I am still in the 'research and consultation' phase.

I have been tinkering with some story ideas and bouncing ideas off people, but nothing is decided yet. At some point I intend to make short writeups and post them here on patreon to get some ideas from you people about the four story ideas I'm considering, but I'll hold out on that for now.

Some of you have been contacting me to find out how I'm dealing with the quarantine and if I'm alright. I am happy to report I'm perfectly fine and healthy. I hope you all are as well.

Finally, I have been contacted by moderators of r/fantasy about doing some kind of group AMA ('virtual con') on their subreddit, and I agreed. I don't know the date it will happen, yet. Of course, this means very little to all of you, since you can contact me with questions whenever you want, but I thought maybe some of you will find it interesting regardless. 

I'll probably do these kind of updates periodically, even if I have nothing to report. If nothing else, it might stop people from forgetting I even exist. :)



New worldbuilding post wooo! I love those

David Tawater

Your story changed me. I want to keep supporting you so you keep making content. I feel it's so very worth it


We believe in you. Looking forward to new stories!


Would like to know a small fact for the future. Could you please share what languages you can speak. Many of your fans are not an English native speakers. Do you understand Slavic languages, Russian for example. Wink, wink ;)


You do you, Domagoj! We’ll be here for a long while yet.


Glad you're doing alright during the lockdown. Eagerly awaiting the AMA.


Great to hear from you. More world building is always good. Further stories in the same setting would be even better. Side stories or after stories for MoL would be best of all. A different story in the same setting where character from MoL are encountered by the protagonist would be very interesting too. Always hoping to get more from you. MoL was a great story.


Lol what do you mean we haven't abandoned you? You're not charging anything. Change your subscription to "monthly" instead of "per chapter" so people can actually make the choice to support you or not

Adrien Matricon

Yay, more worldbuilding! I'm looking forward to new stories within that world =) If you're looking for inspiration as to how to integrate various stories into a shared universe, I recommend taking a look at how Discworld does it, which is probably the best way of doing things I've ever seen. It's a series you can pretty much start reading at any volume without feeling you're reading a sequel of any sort, which is incredible when you think about it

Mr R

Discworld is a single flat world lying on the back of four titanic elephants standing on the back of A'tuin the world turtle. Whilst it is fantastic, I'm guessing you're mostly thiking of other worlds, eh Nobody? But it would be interesting if you placed all the strange worlds you've invented over the years into the same universe/multiverse. Do you view them as being connected?


Some of them kind of do fit into a theoretical greater whole, though Ersetu/MoL is largely disconnected from other things I've made. Probably the easiest way to connect it to my writings would be to make it just one star system within a setting in my head that I call 'Macroverse', which is basically a science-fantasy galaxy that I'm occasionally populating with setting ideas when I'm bored. Macroverse is a far bigger stage, though, with bigger power levels and such, so Ersetu would be pretty tiny and peripheral in there. Then again, most planets in Macroverse don't have primordials imprisoned in them, so maybe not... I might decide to retool some parts of Macroverse's Outer Planes into Ersetu's spiritual world, though. I often borrow peices of other projects to fill in the holes of others.


Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere works similarly, where there are a bunch of solar systems all connected and existing in the same universe but they each have their own history and unique magic/tech systems. And there is travel between them but that's limited to very very few individuals.


I only have a very rudimentary understanding of Cosmere, but Macroverse is indeed very similar. Travel between planets is a little easier and more common than in Cosmere, but that's mostly because some planets are innately connected through gates, Outer Planes, and other methods. So most worldwalkers actually have access to only their own small subsection of the Macroverse, rather than being able to come and go to any place they wish.


Yay, update! Nice to hear from you.


I went "the world is virtual simulation" in science fantasy setting I'm working on, it is like a bunch of eldritch being's workshop projects in various stages of completion or disrepair. You can hop between similar connected worlds by intended routes, but otherwise you'd need to learn "hacking" from within the program you're being simulated on, which is a very low possibility and might have other issues.


I generally avoid 'virtual simulation' as an explanation, since it kind of feel it cheapens the story/worldbuilding. There is something inherently 'fake' about a 'mere simulation' to me that makes me hard to take such things as seriously as something that is solid and material. It's not exactly logical, but there you go. Funnily enough, Macroverse is explicitly artificial. It's not exactly a simulation, but it's a universe machine made by overgods that creates, manages, and destroys worlds according to its programming, so one would be well within their rights to ask what makes it so much different/better than a simulation? I don't have a good answer for them, in all honesty. So, um, what I mean is that you should just keep working on your setting as you wish, my silly opinions aside.


The current world situation kind of reminds me of MoL. An invasion of monsters. Trillions of them, invisible because they are so tiny. If only we had a Zach & Zorian team that had been preparing how to deal with them in a repeating month prior to the "release" of the pandemic, seeing what works and what doesn't, etc...

Elessar Beverly

I've just read your story and don't currently have any money, but just wanted to let you know it's amazing and I think i'm a fan. Definitely down to read whatever you have next or this again if you ever finish editing it.


Thank you for the praise and vote of confidence. Don't worry about the money - I like cash as much as anyone else, but my situation is not especially dire at the moment.


For the editing are you doing it in bulk release or chapter by chapter I don't think I can check. great to hear your fine


Chapter by chapter. I don't even know how bulk editing would work... I basically have to search for snippets of text around the typo with the search function and then alter it in my base files... and then apply those changes to both Fictionpress and RR. It a simple, but very annoying job.


The prevailing theory is that mana is leaking out of the Celestial Dragon, so...worlds without that would presumably have no ambient mana? Or the theory is wrong.


Just a thought, if you posted the source on Github or similar, then other people could do the grunt work and open pull requests for you. Assuming that you're using a text format like HTML, rather than Microsoft Worm.


Worlds in Macroverse have different magic systems, many of which work very unlike the one in MoL. So discrepancies between them are to be expected and natives should be cautious about drawing any conclusions. In most (all?) of them, structured magic would not work, as the specific system (Divine Limiter System) isn't the basis of spellcasting. Unstructured shaping should still work to some extent, though, and their own personal mana reserves will stay with them wherever they go. Interestingly enough, there are a number of worlds in Macroverse that have a Worldsoul - the planet itself is living and sapient, and produces mana just like any living being. If I were to place Ersetu into Macroverse, I would probably draw paralels to them, maybe even make MoL part of their cluster of worlds.


Hey, is there any places you frequent to discuss/read about world building? Did you ever see any "alternate modern" projects or works?


Well, no to discuss. I'm not really very active on the internet. As for reading, I occasionally browse certain subreddits, deviantart groups, forums (often D&D ones), check up World Anvil pages, and so on. I don't have any one definite place to read worldbuilding at, and I'm pretty sure it's all very scattered by its very nature anyway.


Just curious how far are you along in editing MoL? Quarter way through? Half way? I’m only asking because I’m eager to read new stuff written from you and you probably won’t start writing it until you’re done editing MoL :)


Half way through? It's hard to give accurate ratios, but it's steadily going. Chapters 96-101 are still completely unedited and have a ton of typos.


Oh I just realized you started in feb so that’s still probably another 3-4 months of editing. Oh well thank you for your quick reply. I guess I just have to be patient.


Just a heads up At some point I intend to make short writeups and post there here on patreon" there should be them I believe.


It's fixed now. Sadly, I do those kind of weird typos all the time, so there is bound to be more of that in my posts.


I think you made another typo in the first sentence of your comment XD. Thanks for the amazing story! Enjoy your "break"