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The new chapter! It's finally here!

I'm glad I delayed it though - I'm happy with how it turned out in the end. Epic combat scenes are harder to write than I thought they would be.

A big thank you for my editor, who managed to go through the chapter despite having to deal with his own deadlines. He did warn me he wasn't as thorough as he usually is this time, but I'm sure it's fine.

I intend for the story to be done in another two updates. Another 'regular' chapter and then several of them posted at once as the ending. I have put four weeks as the target date for next chapter, and the last update will probably take even longer than that. But you will get several chapters for that, so it should be fine.

Anyway. Enjoy.


Corwin Amber

thank you very much for the chapter :)


Thanks Domagoj, a delightful chapter as always, well worth the wait! Please take care of yourself and take your time with the remaining chapters. You're a champ.


Thank you for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter


Thank you!


Loved it


Great job!


Thanks for the update!


Woah, what a chapter!


I can't say I'm happy when you delay the chapter, but the result makes it well worth the wait! I love in the recent chapters how you've been steadily showing us more and more how skilled Zorian has become (and people's reactions to it)


Thanks for the great chapter! I'm glad that you're taking your time for this. I spotted some typos: - "His internals were far to ruined" => far too ruined - "the cost of attack Iasku Mansion" => the cost of attacking Iasku Mansion - "the enemies in front of his" => in front of him - "The dragon created a translucent blue ball in front of him and launched them at the pair." => and launched it - "they just very, very angry" => they were just very, very angry


Freaking what!? This is awesome! It is so satisfying to read how super powerful Zorian has become! And entertaining that he struggles with appearing to be "normal" x) Thank you so much for taking your time to write it, because it is sooooo good! Now I will just try not to burst out of anticipation for QI and Silverlake appearances 😍😍😍


“We both hid about true abilities,” - I'm not sure whether a typo or I don't know something. "Our true abilities" - maybe? Very interesting to read about parts of the same battle from low risk and high risk perspectives, at once. Also, was I the only one, who felt reading this a bit sad, that a lot of magical knowledge, that could've beeen used for the common good instead wasted on personal gain and wars, and a lot of it would probably be lost irreversibly, once this month is done?


Zorian has all his memories of golem designs, advanced alchemy potions, and countless powerful spells. He can do massive things to help the world if he survives. He can also negotiate with the lich for much of the hidden knowledge and lore if the lich survives.


It's a typo, yes. True abilities, yes. I'll edit it at... some point. As for lost magical knowledge, that is actually something I often think about when reading various fantasy stories. I think a lot of settings have a magic system and society that pretty much encourages people to hoard magical knowledge and keep it secret, taking it with them to the grave. Realistically, a lot of fantasy worlds would be reinventing fire over and over again rather than advancing in magical sophistication. They would probably rely on those rare figures that were both genius enough to invent a lot of stuff themselves and generous enough to share it with others around them, and would be fairly static in term of advancement otherwise. In fact, MoL has something like that in its past! It's canonical that Ikosian magical tradition advanced because it found a way to coax its member mages to actually share their discoveries with their fellow mages rather than just keeping it to themselves at all costs. A lot of research and discoveries still dies with their creators, or gets obsessively limited to certain Houses and lineages, but they're still miles better than any of their competitors, and as such their tradition gets progressively more potent as time goes by while most other traditions are threading water or struggling to keep up.

Matthew M

Any world-building posts planned after the series is done? Love reading stuff like this.


Yes. Lots of worldbuilding posts planned. I just need to actually *write* them.

Adrien Matricon

Thanks for the chapter! Here are some typos for your list: "eight of the rack worms burst out of the floor" => [rock] "the war trolls face" => [troll's face] "grabbed the war trolls by its left leg" => [troll] "The simulacrum Jornak send here was clearly special in some way" => [had sent] "His mere punches send man-sized golems flying away like discarded dolls" => [sent] "the cost of attack Iasku Mansion was huge" => [attacking] "the dragon took a deep breath and fires a stream of fire at them" => [fired] "they just very, very angry" => [they were] "Oganj gave the skeletal dragon an angry" => [angry look] Also, it's not really a typo, but "in the end" is there twice in "They did obey in the end, though, and this was all that mattered in the end", which might be worth rephrasing Bonus: I noticed a new typo while rereading the end of chapter 100: "once, twice, trice" => [thrice]


I forgot to note down how much I loved the latest chapter. I hope work on the next one is going well. Prophetic dreams are interesting. Back when Zorian unlocked Soul Sight, Zorian got a strange dream: “In regards to what had happened while he was unconscious, Zorian had only the fuzziest of recollections. He had periodically regained awareness throughout the process, but it was like trying to remember a dream. He remembered a series of senseless, disjoined images: a sea of suns connected by glowing threads, a massive volcano in the middle of an eruption, a carpet of smoke crawling across desolate lands…” Would this point to prophetic abilities, especially when having to do with the soul, being powerful enough to escape the spatial boundary that encapsulates the “pocket dimension” primordials? Those suns are obviously the mind relay thing Zorian recently set up. Volcano may be due to Oganj’s spell being teleported away, or maybe the smoke, though neither are as distinctive. This could point to either the Mind Plane or Souls being even more powerful than we assume - and create further vertical space for Zach and Zorian’s mastery to develop, should you ever wish to continue their story.


I intentionally left everything related to prophetic dreams vague and unclear. More specifically, not even I understand how that could exactly work - although I tried to work out the magic system in great detail, some things were still included based mostly on the fact they were cool and I wanted to have them in the story.