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It lives! A new chapter of my novel has been published and is ready for your perusal, my faithful supporters. Go check it out. In other news, my target date for releasing the next chapter is only three weeks from now. Progress!


Mother of Learning Chapter 36: A Battle of Minds, a fantasy fiction | FictionPress

A Battle of Minds Eventually, the month-long recuperation period came to an end. Zorian spent the last few hours of that restart with Kirielle, attending Cirin's own celebration of the summer festival. Kirielle was very happy with him, because apparently she was never allowed to wander around or stay up so late during the previous festivals.



Woow, faster chapters. I look forward to seeing the result of Zorian's latest teacher. If you don't mind me asking, how goes enjoying the proceeds of your support?


I agree entirely with what Nepene said. Faster chapters hype? \o/ Also, I really really enjoyed this chapter. Lots and lots of little details, fantastic world building, and more Zorian learning! Now we just need to see what he does with what he learns over the next couple restarts...There's SO many loose threads to tie up by the end of the story and the writing is just so good... Don't die or anything silly like that, I really REALLY need you to finish this story.


It goes great. :) Though the enjoyment is mostly emotional for now, seeing how I am currently saving it. It's kind of disturbing how large a chunk of it disappeared when I actually transferred the money to my bank account, though. Whatever fees Patreon/Payoneer charged, they weren't outlined in any of their FAQs I read so I'll have to sit down before I make the next transfer and find out what happened there.