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The new chapter is here, my dear patrons!

You may remember how I said I would finish editing typos and such about two chapters ago. I'm still doing it. I've finished editing up to chapter 68. Yay. Only 38 pages of edits to go. It's not that it's so time consuming, to be honest - it's just that it's a joyless job that saps all my motivation whenever I dive into it, so I have been going at it at snail's pace. I never should have let it built up to the extent it did. Live and learn, I guess.

Finally, I have a question for you all. I have been thinking of posting a copy of the story on Royal Road in addition to Fictionpress, since some of my readers have been urging me to do so. Is there some downside to this that I'm not seeing? If not, I will probably do so in the near future.

Anyway, thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Mother of Learning Chapter 90: Change of Plans, a fantasy fiction | FictionPress

He still had trouble believing this was actually happening, to be honest. He had fully expected their circumstances to change once they brought the key to the Guardian of the Threshold, but not like this. How could Panaxeth even contact them through the Guardian?


Micheal N.

No real downside, RoyalRoad used to have some formatting problems. No idea if it still does. You should also post your story to Creative Writing at SpaceBattles ( <a href="https://forums.spacebattles.com/forums/creative-writing.18/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://forums.spacebattles.com/forums/creative-writing.18/</a> ), and User Fiction at Sufficient Velocity ( <a href="https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/forums/user-fiction.2/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/forums/user-fiction.2/</a> ). Your story would fit in at both, I believe at least, and would certainly expand your audience base.


Only true downside is the amount of trolls or people that feel entitled to free content and thus criticize authors for trying to earn anything. Good thing to keep in mind is that posting a chapter at a time with a few days or at least 6-12 h in between gives you more time on front pages giving more exposure. :)


My experience with Royalroad has been nothing but good. I can't think of any downside. It is certainly a better platform than FictionPress, and it allows you to advertise your Patreon.


If you can provide a copy of each chapter in your preferred format for editing, I'd be happy to make changes and send it back. Also, Zorian really needs to peek inside Zach's mind now, but after the primordial encouraged him to wreak havoc in there, I can't see Zach letting him.


More backstabs incoming


Thank you!

Bruno Salque

Hi, thanks a lot for the chapter :) I read on both platform and rr is pretty convenient. We can see lots of different author publishing an ebook later etc etc.


The downside to posting on RR is the work it takes you to post there and potentially to interact with people there. Otherwise I don't think there is anything you are missing.


Nah, I need to do this myself. It was my own fault for letting it accumulate so much. If there is no pain, I might do it again.

Adrien Matricon

Thanks for the chapter! Hm... The chapter says "No wonder Panaxeth claimed he was never leaving this place without its help", but shouldn't that be "without it", given what was actually said in the previous chapter? (it also make more sense) Reporting typos: - "then again it had no reason to lie about that e[i]ther" - "I don't think think she would sabotage our attempts to escape from the time loop by no[t] creating more skilled manpower"


It's been a year or two since I read on royal road, but I remember the reader base being rather toxic, so that might be an issue. Though I mainly wasn't as interested in the VRMMORPG/litrpg theme that dominates there. I'm a bit tired of stories where it's all just virtual reality. I prefer fantasy that actually takes place in a real fantasy world, or a fantasy that's appeared on our world. The influence of LMS is a bit too strong there. But yeah, like I said, the reader base has a lot of self-entitled people who love to criticise. Though they don't allow abuse, members who only seem to show up to take crap about anything that doesn't fit there exact taste are a bit too common. It's fine if you've got a thick skin though. Not everyone there is a jerk. Good job with the new chapter by the way. When it rains it pours and I don't think any of us expected the Keys to have a sting like that in the tail. Though I guess this means his looping is over? Too bad. I was hoping he'd grow a bit more, get something a little more overwhelming. I guess you prefer to aim for the main character who's against the odds huh?


Awesome chapter! Found these: - Since my wife had died long before the start of the time loop, Panaxeth had no idea [how/what] she looked like, and thus couldn't copy her appearance." - "Maybe later," Zach said. "Orissa, you said you also talk[ing/ed] to Panaxeth about what he'd do once free?" - Hey! (Not sure if this is a mistake, just seemed out of place). - Just like you are willing to kill your outside self to live, I [am] willing to obliterate everything around me to get free.


You should post it on webnovel as well since they might start paying you!