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A new chapter has appeared! Thank you all for your patience and support.


Mother of Learning Chapter 34: Unreasonable Things, a fantasy fiction | FictionPress

He conjured a glowing lantern to light his way in the gloom of the cave and got to work. After a quick casting of an area-wide 'spook animals' spell to drive away all the bats and vermin that had taken residence in the cave, he set about using alteration magic to clean the place up and make some shelves and reading surfaces out of the rock.



Thank you for another chapter. Really looking forwards to when you start to tie all of these plot threads together. There's just SO much going on all over the place... Zorian is beginning to become properly dangerous, though he's got a long way to go to being able to prepare for everything.


Very enjoyable as usual. It's nice to see some more action, too. On a side note, gotta love gaze attacks.


Thanks for the new chapter. It's good to see him finally settling into being an adventurer. I'm looking forward to him really mastering all that fire magic and getting to use it against intelligent opponents, not just dumb monsters.