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It's a bad habit I've gotten into lately, but I'm delaying the next chapter by one week. The next target date is 15th of July.

Not very fair to my readers and patrons, I know. However, I think it's better of me to make delays like this than force myself to deliver something on schedule. People who are willing to wait 3 weeks for a chapter would probably rather wait one more than have a poorly-written chapter a little earlier. 

Plus, my editor has asked me to send him the chapters a little earlier in the the future. That's a pretty fair request, as I have been quite unfair to him in the past, sending him chapters very late in the evening and in the last possible moment. It's best to take another week and spare both him and myself the frustration, even though it will disappoint the readers.

Anyway. My dear patrons have generally been in agreement in the past that I shouldn't beat myself over these kind of delays too much, so I won't continue on with the excuses. Thank you all for you patience.



Thanks for the update!


Thanks for the update. But here is a idea, you could put up the chapter that you have for us patreons labeled (work in progress). I read your chapters multiple times anway 😁


Thanks for the update. Don't worry about the delay, I think as long as we know what is going on we are happy. Your story and writing are great, looking forward to it.


Nah, I'm a bit of perfectionist and dislike sharing things that I deem 'incomplete'. My hard drive is littered with remains of stories and worldbuilding projects that I've messed with but which never got anywhere. Lots of disconnected first chapters (sometimes is several variations), brief snippets and isolated articles. Unless I think it's done or that it's going somewhere, it's not getting show to anyone.

Adrien Matricon

Yup. As far as I'm concerned, just knowing you're working on the chapter even though it's not ready yet is enough. Telling us when we can expect it is like icing on a cake (I mean, for example, fans of G.R.R.Martin don't have that luxury and have been left in the dark waiting for years). We don't need to know why.


I have no problems waiting a week. It’s nice that you even keep us up to date as much as you do. A lot of other authors don’t really keep any consistent schedule and it can be hard to tel with them if the next update is in a week or 2 months.


Thanks for the heads up! Have a good week. (:


You've got an editor ? I had no idea ! How do you organize your work in the end ?


Badly. :P Seriously, though, mostly of the delays are a consequence of poor time management on my part. I write most of the chapter in a handful of days, when inspiration strikes me, which is usually right near the end of the deadline. I'm trying to transition into a more rational writing schedule, but it's hard.

Mihai Popescu

I would rather you take the time to feel confident in your work. You seem fairly disciplined in terms of getting things out relatively on time, that's really good (especially for a serial writer) as it hopefully prevents you from getting in a rut. However you should also not feel rushed by the deadlines as that can cause resentment towards the work and hurt inspiration. Basically you're doing great! Keep it up!


Honestly I started reading your work only recently and the quality was phenomenal.


Looking forward to seeing the new chapter :)


When shall the chapter arrive?