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A question for my (Paypal-using) patrons: according to what I have been able to find, in order to accept donations to my Paypal account, I simply need to provide my email address somewhere, which would allow people to make payments with their own accounts. Is this correct? Do I just need to post my email address to my profile to allow people to donate and that's it? Or is there some other, better way that I'm not seeing?

EDIT: I have added a small addition to my fictionpress and Patreon profiles, listing my e-mail address and hopefully allowing people to donate through PayPal if they want to. Just for the sake of completeness, I'll list it here too: the address is autonemesis at gmail dot com. Adjust the address by switching 'at' and 'dot' to appropriate signs.



You can create a "donate" button somewhere, I used to use it. Not sure exactly how to find it, but a quick google should help there. It doesn't however, hide your email. So if you want to keep your email private..


Here's the documentation for paypal donation button: <a href="https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/paypal-payments-standard/integration-guide/donate_step_1/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/paypal-payments-standard/integration-guide/donate_step_1/</a>


In general Email is enough to send money via PayPal but it's much more convenient to have a "donate" button. There's an option to generate button code on PayPal but you'll need a website to put it on, I'm pretty sure Patreon don't allow this. Also since Patreon reverted their recent change I for one sticking with them for now and will consider direct donations only if they screw up again.


You can add it to your worldbuilding blog for example. Never used it though...


As for other donation options - You are in the EU and in SEPA, right? Then you could just publish your IBAN and at least Europeans could donate directly by bank transfer (and, depending on one's bank, without any fees on either side). I for one would prefer this option.


Ah, that's something I didn't even consider. I'd probably still get hit by fees, since that's just how Croatian banks roll, but still... the more middlemen get cut out of the deal, the less I lose to fees.


I was mostly concerned with spam. I get enough of it as it is. Alas, PayPal says no donation button for me, so I'll probably just put my address out there on fictionpress and Patreon intro page.


That's fine. This is just me giving and alternative to people who want it, since I've had a number of people ask for such.


Yep -- you can just put your email in a post and it will work. I'm happy to convert to a monthly paypal donation if it would have less overhead for you, just let me know!


PayPal is cagey about the amount of fees it takes when transfering funds to Croatia, so I don't really know the answer to this question myself at the moment. So feel free to stay on Patreon for now.


It seems I've missed some important development or change in how Patreon handles fees? I haven't been paying much attention lately. I know you already said the email (and potentially the IBAN) are just an additional payment option. But just for clarification, is staying with Patreon for those of us who prefer it still fine? If Patreon is hitting you with some useless charges I’d personally just increase my pledge to help cover for them.


Staying with Patreon is just fine. Patreon tried to change the way they process fees recently, but they gave up on it after a huge outcry. The charges are currently the same as they have always been.