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Hi everyone!

Sorry for the long wait, this scene turned out to be more complicated than it looked originally. But now we have a developed interface for complex scenes (with multiple participants), yay!

The files are available for Backers and higher tiers and can be found here (check for "Lana Fitball 2" files): <click>.

APK build is getting delayed and might get stuck (taking few hours to build already) for a few days. Sorry for this issue.

This addition to the scene includes both versions - the one that happens once and opens up an opportunity for Lana to seduce Coach and the reoccurring one. In the end, they look a bit similar in terms of animations and mostly different in terms of story. Oh, at some point I start wondering if anyone needs this story at all. But at least I need it... I guess.

This should be an amazing scene when voiced. I can't wait.

Spoilers below

The scene itself is about teasing rather than having active sex. I'm somewhat returning to the 'bukkake enjoyer' team, so if you share this interest, you might love this scene.



Grave D Devil

You weren't kidding she gets glazed wasn't expecting that still pretty fucking hot though


I'm glad you liked it. When I set up animation description, my animator was like - "once again, how long and detailed do we do this animation?" :D