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Hello everyone,

sorry for missing for a bit, here is the list of recent project updates:

  • Lana's fitball scene is 80% ready and will be published tomorrow / Friday. Originally I planned to include all three variants - solo handjobs, riding fitball, and Coach watching - but we can't come up with a decent script for Coach at the current stage of the story. I've spent the last couple of days trying to come up with good lines for Coach but failed. I don't want to do it, but there's a pretty high chance I'll have to add the 'Coach watching' part later on. I'll see if any muse comes tonight/tomorrow.
  • Casey caught sleeping assets are done, some parts and Coach head reworked (you can see above)
  • The stretching threesome animation variant has stopped due to making an extra head asset (see image above). The update is moving hard, but I want to make this animation set more favorable for Arnie. I hope it works, but if not - we will continue with handjob stuff for Arnie.
  • Arnie & Lana Pilates (licking) animation started, no updates yet. This scene will highly likely be included in the coming set of gym updates for Lana.
  • Animation for Coach in-game assets are done, it will be added within next dev build.
  • Other WIPs and early sketches of the scenes will be posted later today.




Keep up the hard work.