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Hi everyone,

this is a big block of text that I don't want to have in the Release post. First of all, again thank you, everyone, for understanding - the last weeks of each release are always the hardest - everyday playtesting, adding stuff, fixing issues, fixing again and again and again. During these times I try to avoid posting content updates (and you will see a lot of them today & tomorrow) because they give me a false feeling of accomplishment - but in reality, literally nothing is done if in the end the release is not done. (If some of thought that we did nothing last week - I'll have some good news for you guys and girls).

One more thing that took extra time was coding new mechanics for NPC flexible schedule - at the moment only Casey has new mechanics for  Gym training implemented yet - Casey gets different Fitness increases based on her Gym progress as well as other parameters like the presence of Arnie or Coach/availability of the opportunity to train or have sex with any of them. In some circumstances, Casey gets not only the Fitness increase available only if working out with a trainer, but also passive relations increase if she has sex with one of her trainers. She also spends time doing relaxing Yoga after the main training to minimize her Tired effect. Lana can find Casey a bit dirty and in need of an intense shower after one of such training (around ~1-2 PM)

Right now this does not have a big influence on the game, but my aim was to implement flexible schedules, that can have different game keys (outcomes) at some point of the day based on multiple conditions (like story progress, relations with other characters, presence of other characters in a particular location at a particular time).

Why this is so important - as I mentioned before the game feels pretty much 'empty' as it is now. One of my goals is not just adding more and more story for girls, but I also want to implement a set of 'background events' that can and will happen anyways even if playable characters do not participate - the first of such events was Jackie's bj, but that was a hard-coded event. The next update will turn around Lana, so making more Casey-NPC lines is so important as well.

The idea is to make some stories that happen 'behind the main story' even for main characters - for example, some Casey scenes might be available only if you play Lana and specific conditions for Casey (story, relations) are met - so that this backstory 'assumes' this or that scene might have happened and Lana can witness it. The same I want to do with secondary characters like Tuna and Jackie - the "Girl's Night" event (or better to say - the new schedule for girls at Vault) is still in our planning pool.

What's in the next update (quick points):

  • Lana Gym story progression;
  • Lana's Fitness perks (she will have it different from Casey);
  • Casey's NPC Vault payment will be reworked using new mechanics;
  • Either Casey's Gym perks or general Attraction stat will influence Casey's income from available patrons both for active and passive gameplay;
  • Casey will probably start consuming Coffee as an NPC to get her Productivity stat high;
  • Lana's planned scene: Lana & Arnie squats (the one that is done, but not available through the story), Lana's Fitball funs, Lana's Fitball and Coach witnessing, Lana pilates mini-comics, Lana pulling a buttocks mini-comics, Lana & Coach squats, story for Jackie & Lana friendship;
  • Casey's planned scenes: the final Casey & Coach & Arnie stretching training;
  • I plan to add music for Gym as well as voicing for all v6 and most of the v7 scenes;
  • Animated Coach character;

Well, that's the short planning.




It's all good take your time


you're doing well, it's ok