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  • grocery_loop01.mp4



Hi guys.

Right now we're actively working on Lana's gym story (and a small addition to Casey's gym story as well). I want to push work forward and have a scene with Lana-Arnie (squats) released by the end of this week and hopefully Casey-Arnie stretching scene by the end of this month as well (animations for Casey-Arnie part might be done by the end of this week). Arnie's character is in the animation process as well right now.

Overall we're extending the team and hiring some new guys. One of them is an extra animator who started working on Lana & Weirdguy's scene (you can see the teaser/test loop attached) - I hope he will handle actual sex loops with similar grace. I personally like the quality of the test loop a lot and hope you will too. The other one is any-key & story builder - we have a lot of same-type work that can be delivered by 'someone else', saving my time for story building and scene set up. We've also got some common ground with Casey's old voice and hopefully, she will be able to add a lot to the voicing of her character in the game soon.

The bad side that I was trying to avoid for a long time is changing tier prices. It's been a long journey, guys, a lot of you have stayed with us literally for years. The project has changed a lot and so are the skills of animators and artists required. 

Nothing will change for existing patrons - I will not be adding new tiers with new rewards (well, also because I don't have any new rewards tbh) - existing tiers will stay as they are now, and the number of patrons at each will be limited. I will create similar-reward tiers later on. I need to find out what to do with the 30$ tier as well - we tried to deliver ABC kind of sketches, but failed miserably.

In any way, despite all this ufo-kind-of news, I look positively to the future and look for ways to deliver a better quality project and do it faster. 'Faster' with keeping up or increasing the quality is our goal for 2023.

Love you guys, and thank you for making this real.




Do what yall need. Excited to see you epanding the team and not giving up. Beem following for years, and I know it's been hard recently. Hope yall can continue to create the things you want with passion.


to be honest from what I see now I basically have two options and you named both. I decided to stay with the first option and expand the team.


oh, if you are one of the people who read texts - we made so many fun texts within the current dev build and adding some more right now! It was amazing to inhale the spirit of my old project like a fresh breeze for a moment!


I do enjoy them. I think they add so much to each scene. The old Arnie and Casey bathroom scene lives in my head from how hot it was.


Also, you're doing great. All the new poses, outfit designs, angles, and animations look great! I haven't played a new build in a while, but I'm very excited to play all the gym content eventually. Rex and the weird guy at the market look like fun additions too!


Let's go :D Make that greedy bunny swallow all and thanks him afterward