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Guys, it's being a while since my last post, however now I want to present you with a new scene related to office activities.

It comes as minigame, uploaded to 5$ section already .  Here you should play as Casey to make sure Jack will keep silence about this... accident.

What were important and what (I think) were achieved here: good hot graphics, upgraded realistic animation and adding / testing 'game click mechanics' (which I want to be able to extend later to multiple partners)

It did took too much time, however a lot of new elements were tested and involved first time (new drawing styles, for example for hair; new small extra elements for realistics; new more realistic animation approaches, etc). I hope with this I will be able to work faster, but produce the same high quality content.

Regarding next game update, I plan it for 25-27th of November




I think we need more boss in the game


I Think your job Is very good


hi..love your game, just a small issue , the volume of the "cum" sfx is Extremely loud /..exception the Sam handjob office training scene (that one has same volume as everything else) Its painfulll if u use headphones ...would love a fix of that. Cheers. If i volume down i won't be able hear rest of the game.


just to clarify - so you say it is very loud for EVERY scene except handjob? Including last scenes with Tuna / Kelly?


Hi, so I just found your game incredible, so much that I spent my last penny to play version 11, but when I went to play thinking that I would not find the same bugs that the previous version did not happen that I waited anxious to see certain scenes: (Even though it was very good, and the save option helped a lot. One question, in the next version will you fix the bugs, and if so, when will it be released?


Hi m8. What bugs are you talking of particularly? V11 had many bugs fixed comparing to v10. The only 2 big bugs I know: Sam & Ram are messed in the sex scene (can't find roots for it now); relaxation area may contain both Sam & Ram and Kelly events on the same sofa same time (logical issue, needs reworking on how events work in general)


how you get promoted to junior? can't pass 19 on the job


Hey man,looking forward for that update! Just wanna ask how big you think it's gonna be / how much new content will it add?


not big this time, frankly speaking :( This is mostly 1-2 sex scenes and few stories. This time I try to make less linear encounter (which will allow you some freedom inside the story), I also work over adding phone device and 'phone messages', however I don't think I will be able to finish that till the end of the weekends. I'm also reworking Nikki character, however she will not get into this update as well. And a lot of time spent for initial management of the team and personal studying the art to make this or better quality of the images. In other words - this month had a lot of work done that will not be visible during upcoming update, however you will definitely see the improvement in most areas later (except the sound :( )


Any new version? Very goog job btw


guys, I will not be able to finish it today :( After all the rush this week the amount of work left will take few more days. The more realistic date is evening 29th. I really apologize and I hope I will be able to make more realistic planning in future


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Very very very good!!!!!