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Hi. Sorry for this awkward delay, but here I want to share the coming changes on the project and current situation.

The current speed for content production is very slow - at least 3x times slower then I would expect to call it 'okay'. But at least it still goes on. 

First thing first is we're working over introduction of the Gym location during this or next update. We currently work over character assets of Arnie and Coach. Later on we will add Kelly as well.

In terms of scenes - the Arnie & Casey scene is almost done and I plan to have it finished and posted in 1-2 days from now on. The next scene within this update is Lana & Casey (Double D) scene - one part including Tommy and the other just girls. I plan a quick update on "Casey cleaning" scene including mystery admirer, but nothing too big there.

We're working over the gym-based story. Some concepts will include Casey-Coach scene, and Coach will keep his light BDSM-master  feature.

I'm trying to contact side artists to make some extra content to fill in big gaps in 'no updates' weeks - since there is barely any chance to find an artist open to commissions who's style is similar to our game - the content will be different, in a format of mini comics related to 'Casey in the army' memories. I want to go for one mini-comics and if you like it - we will try to make more. I'll post the front page / Casey in the army design later on today.

Act2 lore is changing - assuming the sudden Flash death I don't see a point to 'continue the story from act1' since in 1-2 years barely anyone will remember what was in that act1 at all. I guess it is more reasonable to make act2 as a standalone game and to introduce new characters as 'new characters' to the game - this will include some later rework of introduction part. The example is Kelly - I think it's better to introduce her like a new character who is met by Casey / Lana rather then girls having some background. The same for Coach. Arnie will pretty much replace Sam. Maybe this will also give us the opportunity to implement "Casey works at Galaxy Pumps" at some point too. I hope we will make that far eventually.

Again, sorry for this lack of news, but we have what we have :/




That's already great :) Don't worry about speed. I think you guys are harsher on yourselves when it comes to deadlines than the community is :D


Disappointed in this news.


to be honest I completely share your disappointment. It's really hard to write such 'news' at all, I'd prefer I was writing news like when we did 2-3 scenes per month like an old times instead :/


I agree mostly on the part about making act2 standalone, what I wish for though, is for people that have played act1 and stayed with you for a long time, get some kind of easter egg or a reference back to act1 stuff, I don't think dismissing everything you have done in act1 is that wise imho. Also, about the progress, it is understandable that it goes slower given all that has happened, just glad you are sticking with it. This is a really great quality project imho, and I would hate seeing it be cancelled.


Sam was so much better than Arnie, are you really going to replace him?


Sam has this dominant personality that I really like, he went around and had sex with everyone, he even fucked his brother's GF in the ass


We don't really have that type of dominant character anymore.


I was going to make Arnie just like that. And to be honest there are multiple moments when Arnie behaves pretty much like Sam would do (grouping Casey's ass, fucking Tuna and so on). So is it more about the skin (look) of the character or dominant representation?


I mean Sam didn't take shit from anyone, Arnie seems to back off when he gets pushed back


That is the same thing I think/feel/see whenever there is a scene with him. One scene in particular is the scenes with him and Tuna next to the main bar area, there you have him very careful and submissive to an extent, Dough on the other hand just comes in and doing whatever, more like Sam imho. If I remember that scene correct.

Anthony Zara

I honestly miss the whole bit with the Boss from Act 1. That whole storyline with him was my favorite ever.


hi. I'm 100% agree with this. This is one of the reasons we will be changing the lore to make current development to more or less include both stories