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Hi guys,

I have a sort of dilemma here about the direction of the further development.

Overall I have two options, both has issues

First one is "Gym Stories"


  • We have animations for 2 Casey scenes mostly ready, so these can be turned into game scenes relatively quick
  • This set of updates includes both Casey & Lana
  • Arts for Lana in Gym are done, some of the comics assets are done
  • Gym is a good addition to the game as it will introduce mechanics to increase sexuality / productivity for long-term


  • Casey needs re-voicing, since the voice of the Casey is no longer doing adult VA (this is a big pain in the ass overall)
  • Gym is a big addition and needs creation of Arnie, Coach, Kelly characters as well as more comics pages - with current situation with artists I can't predict how much time these developments will take.

Second is "Lana works at Grocery"


  • This story set needs less arts & story to have it 'finished'
  • Most of the arts for Lana are done / in production
  • We have a nice working process with "Lana's voice", so voicing her scenes should not be a problem


  • No Casey scenes here, this set of stories is a kind of alternative to Casey's Vault stories
  • Lana scenes arts are done, but animation is not started, so implementation will take some time



The voices aren't all that important imo. Don't get me wrong they are great, but seeing more Casey content outweighs the cons 100%


Woah very hard question Me being a Lana fan makes me wanna go with the Lana focused Grocery story but seeing Lana and Casey together is always great and I might even prefer it due to all the great possibilities I just tought about while I was typing this The voice actor stuff is bad but it's not really possible to not continue the game without any new Casey voices so this issue is gonna come up sooner or later Ofc objective point of view says Lana is best girl thus either option is equally awesome due to them having Lana


How about you put voice as add on for later and put it for a vote


yeah I don't mean that "These scenes cannot be done without voicing", but rather that voicing for Casey scenes might not be finished in time / might be moved for later times


I’ve said before but I’ll mention again. If the team is having issues with the scale of the game/project maybe the devs and artists shouldn’t stretch themselves too thin. I know Lana fans exist but Casey is the main character and maybe till the team grows the focus should be brought back in to one characters story. Did the new update even have 1 Casey scene?


Whatever the choice, I'm very ok with you pushing casey voicing off until a replacement can be found. Given the whole sitch yall find yourselves in, maybe recasting and redoing all her wouldnt be a bad choice if it's holding animation or other parts of development back.


I understand this is a lot of work, but if you feel very restricted in finding a new actress that sounds just like the old one, it could be a choice to consider. Also, redubbibg some old content could give you different work if you are waiting on animations or art.


I don't know the team's full situation, and I don't want to impose. I simply hope for the best for all of you. I know times are tough, and I hope you're all doing as well as you can ❤


casey content, what happened to plans for her human rival??


human rival wasn't well accepted and to be honest, we don't have much resources to add her immediately, so we'll stick to adding planned content for now (like Gym with all it's characters)


Hi Ronnie. Yeah, I'll just put searching of new Casey VA to a side for now, it isn't top priority at the moment


Maybe you're right, though we initially planned both character playable, so we're rather implementing second story lines. Next update will have 2-3 scenes with Casey


Just regarding this poll, does this mean Lana will not end up working at the grocery store? or will that come later? hope your team member in Ukraine got to safety.