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If any of you are interested in the process of Lana getting her voice, below are a few samples. I lean towards using mix 01-02-03, and maybe an expression of voice_05 for moments when Lana is either drunk or has a high urge. My winner right now is voice_01_mix

P.S. Please let me know if you are interested in such updates at all, since we have lots of none-visual work going on on the background and I'm checking options to share it too.




Personally, I don't like 1-3 - too syrupy and fake. 4 was reasonable, and 5 went a bit too far the other way.


I think I agree with your decisions so far, although in my head Lana sounded more like a kid. That sort of “good girl” act works really well if you infantilize her voice, so you get an interesting reaction when she’s being corrupted. Just some food for thought.

kiyori anoyui

4 is the best, by far. I feel like Lana has a more serious personality, so the more realistic and stern voice suits her better, IMO. Least favorite are 1-3


I am having trouble having a static opinion on the mix but i think I'm pretty sure on what I feel about the others 1-2-3 and 4-5 are going for kinda different approaches which makes them hard to compare between 1-2-3 i think i would order them 2>1>3 they are all good tho between 4 and 5, there is no competition 5 is prolly the only voice i disliked between all these thus i would order them 4>5 Its hard to compare but I think i liked 2 more than 4 But I think i will be happy as long as its not 5 as her everyday voice


5 is how I imagined Kelly :D

Sir Rage

4 is pretty much how i imagined Lana to sound like


maybe the new Kelly the one from act 01 always had a moderate or high voice that was just a tiny bit raspy in my own imagination :)


None is what I imagined Lana to sound like, I agree with @Carm Bottomstock NPC with how I imagined her "deal" was. I think for me, if I had to choose, 2. 4 is a second for me, but it is a bit too "deep" I think? Lana I imagine as the more cutesy, 4 is a voice I could see go for Casey's "character" more than Lana. 5 and 1 is out for me. 3 is fine-ish imho.