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Hi. Some of you asked if we have updated concepts for Nikki for act2 and I said that pToon-T actually did some a while ago. Here they are. 

I like B and C the most myself (Yeah I know she's a bitch, and if we ever have her back, she will be the same bitch. It doesn't mean she can't look like a shy girl, right? Isn't that how lots of people get tricked? :P)

Anyway, I must notice that despite how much I like Nikki, her and Ram's return is not planned for the foreseeable future. Maybe when we're done with our current list of events and start adding 'Galaxy Pumps' back.




I love it, especially C and D


Given how you've made Tuna the bitch in act 2, it sort of makes Nikki redundant. At least to my perception, in act 1 Tuna wasn't a bitch per se, just not very friendly, but now she pretty much has the same sort of personality Nikki had.


I do think B or C with slightly bigger tits 😁🤟


hey, why that? I'm open to conversation here. Tuna in act2 is exactly how she was in act1 - she's toxic, angry, pretty straightforward and likes competitions (she did some competitions with Nikki in act1) Nikki on the other side suppose to look charming, loves competition, lies A LOT, pretends to like other people (particularly girls) like she's their friend and than hit them in the back (like Boss lunatic story with Casey). Nikki is about lies and passive aggression. She's cheating on Ram and doesn't feel any guilt. The only person she hates openly is Tuna. I think they're pretty different, though I'm open to discussion


Those all look pretty awesome! C is definitely my favorite. I for one wouldn't mind seeing Nikki return, I really like her


I like the clothes on b, the shape of d and e and both face, I'd love to see Nikki back.


C+ or E


i think C+ is perfect tbh, cant wait for her to be back


A mix of C and D


c+ nice concept


C+ definitely. But I love the clothes on B


Can't wait to see her get fucked by Rex


I like f, feels more like her but I like the idea of her having a shy side.



Puffin Vid

I love Nikki so much, just because she knows she's a bitch. I really want to see her active again. I hope you have a lot of plans for this character. The C+ version is very nice. I loved the job.

Thomas Gottschalk

I like A to C most, because there have to be girls with smaller boobs too. But I never particularly adored Nikki, so i'm ok with postponing her. I would love Kelly to be introduced though. Maybe in the gym? No idea if there's a statement regarding Kelly already and i missed it... Btw, did the subscription options change? Lately i've seen quite a few scenes i couldn't access, but it still says i'm eligible for early release of the new versions?

Timbo Bimbo

probably late for the vote but C or E for me ^^


There’s gonna be scenes between Casey and Nikki?


hi. About Kelly - we plan to introduce her during new set of characters. Can't say exactly when with all the events going on right now, sorry. The 1$ subscription adds access to general news, latest game build (not development) and cloud saves. Latest early scenes are in 5$ subscription.