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Hi guys,

I haven't talked back to you for a while and I have plenty of topics. Some of them are below.

The first thing is Tommy will be reworked. 

Tommy will now be a roommate, will talk, and might be wearing a skirt or something. We'll be working over his new concept arts this month after we're done with the scene sketches pool (more about this below). We'll keep him the same jerk as before, but slightly different. Well, the reason here is pretty clear - I don't plan to drop the project any time soon and I don't want to put a time bomb in it, so we're moving Tommy away from any guide-line grey lines. So we're showing Tommy is sapient as clear as possible (New and old Tommy-related scenes and scripts will be updated).

I don't know if we either remove his pet collar from the scenes or ground it somehow in the game yet.

Lana sleeping scene

Well, it's not 2015 now and now I and other adult creators had to comply with lots of new restrictions. I'm glad they usually come once a year and not more often than that. For example, we had to scrap the whole "Dickfrogs Hunt" story after the hypnosis concept was banned. Hell, sometimes I wonder how many years are left before every adult creator will have a gay or transgender percent quota in their works. In any way, I want to keep sleeping sex in the game, but now it should look clear that that is consent sex. The last couple of days I'm trying to understand how to do it without the "Oh, Lana woke up, gave her consent, and then went to sleep again" kind of thing. Though if we do, how much will that ruin the scene for you? From what I've read "advanced consent" may work or may not be based on the country of the viewer. Gives me a headache. If any of you have an idea, feel free to add a comment. 

Due to changes in the scripts (well, completely rewriting things) we have a current delay. 

Jack is a cuckold?

Well, no. I wasn't a big fan of moving Lana-Jack romantic relations into act2, but we did what we did. We called what they have 'open relations' because otherwise their romantic relations kind of broke the whole idea about Lana being a nymphomaniac.

The last couple of scenes with Lana might made Jack look like a cuckold. So I've studied several erotic novels on cuckolds and sex-wifes and the topic overall. I must say even though I find the idea of a sex-wife attractive, I completely dislike cuckolding part. Lana getting married - well, might be. Jack inviting other guys to their home or licking other's cum from Lana - highly likely no. But Jack enjoys Lana having sex with him and another male partner at the same time. So we'll keep it just 'open relations' for a while. Or make them swingers couple, who knows.

Getting into human girls on furry males

I like human girls and I feel like we're lacking them a bit in the game. Should we have more Terran girls or keep the percentage as originally planned? (well, just two). I should probably make a poll for this later on, but you can share what you think in the comments. 

No changes for Furry (maybe alien in the future?) males - I love how that works.

Lana will get many new scenes in the coming future

Most of the scenes are in the early design, but here's the list

  • Lana working in the grocery (will be a toy type scene)
  • Lana and Weirdguy (licking kind of scene)
  • Lana and hard gym (yeah, I couldn't get a better name for this one)
  • Lana gets stuck at the grocery (I love 'stuck' stories)

All of those are under development right now, mostly at the concept stage.

Casey will get her following scenes in upcoming updates

  • Lana & Casey romantic night with Purple Toy
  • Casey & Arnie main gym (assets done)
  • Casey & Arnie refurbish from an old scene (assets done)

Tuna will get her second 'Tuna threesome' scene, which is currently under animation.

Lana will get a new voice

I want her to sound more Fluttershy-ish and less hentai. But to get to that I need first to fix 'the questionable moments about Lana and Tommy' mentioned above.  

Things are slow

Yeah, we have 4 scene concepts under development by two artists and no good enough (finished & polished) arts to show. This is so damn weird, everyday I'm looking for updates for "now I can post it" kind of thing, but... oh well.



I feel like having limited amount of Terran girls makes Casey so much more unique.


Of all the issues, Tommy's collar is the easiest: he's into petplay. It doesn't make him less of a sapient. As for the other issues.... As I've said to other artists on Patreon, the wheel turns: every platform starts out pretty much no holds barred, then as they grow, Big Money shows up, and Big Money is squicky about anything that isn't plain vanilla, so the rules tighten. The best course of action is to start lining up another solution that is earlier in the cycle now, and to consider making the game modular. That way, content Platform A doesn't like can be hosted elsewhere, and you can always say "We cannot stop people from doing what they want on their own computers; if they want to load a module that provides BannedContent that is hosted elsewhere what can we do?"

derky dude

Human girls on the males are always the best scenes. Casey needs more action


yes more human females x male furries. you should make a redhead whos competitive against casey especially when it comes to attention and love from guys


It really sucks with all these restrictions and from a creative viewpoint restricts you guys so much. But I really appreciate how you work around it best you can to keep us satisfied lol. Sounds good on all the plans you have going. And I think that we should have maybe a couple more human girls but not too many, like Brodos says it does make it more unique. But I like Hisoka's idea about adding a redhead or something like that.


We can make Tommy a roommate and keep everything as is He is a nudist mute therian Or we can just go with into pet play as well Altho being mute might sound a tiny bit too depressing for the games tone Your call Sleep scene might have something like her waking up but acting like she is asleep and after it's done she expresses that she was fine with the situation in a way idk if it would work or idk if it even fits well with your vision as you said u didn't wanted her to wake up Not many ideas on this one but I believe in the teams writing skills I think number of terrans can stay the same considering when we look at number of each species individually they don't look that outnumbered altho having a 3rd Terran girl wouldn't make em overpopulated either I am annoyed that patreon is making you limit your product. I did support u for 10months from subscribestar during a period where patreon decided not to accept my card and I would just go back there if you were to completely switch to that but it is likely to cause a decent drop in monthly income Then there are platforms like Steam and Itch but don't think they would be a replacement for patreon. It is ironic that I actually believe Steam would be fine with many stuff Patreon doesn't allow these days but ofc that is also a bit of a gamble.


I vote more focus on Casey tbh. I know there are plenty of Lana fans but i agree with the human girl x alien being my fav scenes. Idk if bringing another girl will just take away from Casey development. I originally became a patron cuz i loved the idea of a human girl fucking all these different creatures (really wanted dickfrogs and more “monsters”) Casey is the mc and i feel like there has been more side girl scenes than Casey scenes in act 2. I understand you want to expand the game in act 2 but i think with current dev team and constraints maybe focus back into Caseys story and do side characters if the team grows in the future? Just my 2 cents. Thanks for the incredible game regardless


Big fan of sharing scenes too! Boss wasn’t Caseys boyfriend but when he invited his boys to have fun with her that shit was HOT! Instead of a different Terran girl I think the solution to more variety would be different male species for Casey to be involved with (bring back the nude beach. I love Casey exhibitionism! Another idea is maybe a dare app for Casey to earn money taking naked pics in public places or with strangers)


I'm a HUGE Lana lover.. love the work al around as it is tho... you're the artist


Furry and human girls percent is good enough, it's so sad for all rework you have to do. For sleep scene you may do a more "fiancé" scene, she's sleeping and he come from work/bar/he wake up hard and he start touching her so she wake and accept the rest. Frog hunt since i read the walkthrough i was into "I WANT IT", such a pity


huh, this sounds interesting. I've never checked into how modular thing should work


yeah, Steam can be fine for now, but nobody knows when / if it joins the global agenda


oh m8, you're talking! "I loved the idea of a human girl fucking all these different creatures" - is exactly why I started this project at all :D Yes, I think you're right. One moment with "more Casey" that annoyed me was the question if player doesn't get bored with "another scene with Casey"?

leave2gether (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-25 12:30:59 yeah, I was down by the patreon guideline changes at that times. I wanted to implement frog hunt so badly that we actually did arts & general story concept for it before we had to scrap it all
2022-02-10 13:41:22 yeah, I was down by the patreon guideline changes at that times. I wanted to implement frog hunt so badly that we actually did arts & general story concept for it before we had to scrap it all

yeah, I was down by the patreon guideline changes at that times. I wanted to implement frog hunt so badly that we actually did arts & general story concept for it before we had to scrap it all

Thomas Gottschalk

I think a third terran girl would be fine. Some competition for Casey sounds like it can lead to good scenes. I would leave it at that though. I like all the girls tbh. Lana is good, Casey is good, i would like Kelly too.