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Just a small note, that game walking main control is WASD + E

First of all I would like to thank you, guys, for all your support. 

This version is something that would have never be done without you.

I know that many things are at the 'draft stage' at this release (backgrounds, some rooms, etc.), however a huge amount of work was done and more ahead. However 'fixing and finishing everything' is something that I can hardly achieve, so I will try to stick to at list 1 patreon game release a month and regular releasing of news / animations on further development.

For now release is concentrated around 'Intro' part and early stages of Casey's career at 'Galaxy Pumps' and interaction with Jack and Sam, including 3 encounters (that will mostly appear after 2nd day)

Note: it is recommended to download & unpack archive, then run game from html if you get any issue

Note 2: cheats for 10$ patrons are at the development area 

Technical description

Story based system is now completely replaced with a new game framework, that splits all the events into 3 groups: 

- quest (1-time) events: currently Intro stories at this release

- repeatable stories is something you can trigger almost every day, based on Casey's condition and relations with other characters

- random encounters system will allow to fill the game with some random repeatable stories and events, that might be triggered during the day. Game currently holds 3 encounters, however as long as their number grows, they will spawn randomly, but based on raising priorities. My idea is to make each day full of different events, that you can't even trigger all of them during same day. So you will have to choose.




I've been looking forward to this all day. Thank you for all your hard work! Loving everything you do so far!


I have found an error when you get on the coffee date with Jack. The game says "Context3D not available! Possible reasons: wrong wmode or missing device support."


But I LOVE the content, and how this develops.


So I'm pretty new to this whole thing and I can't seem to play the game. Can anyone help me out?


It's looking great! I'm having issues with the game crashing at the coffee break with Jack.


Great update. FYI, somewhere around day 10 the game froze up on me. A box popped up with a message, something along the lines of: "the boss is looking for you mike".


Hi Dan, please PM me what's the issue. The game link itself is between big image of this post and smaller images of previous posts


Okay, guys. I added 'leave2gether v009.zip' archive, so you can download it and unpack, then run html file - this should fix issue in scene 'drinking coffee with Jack'. Please let me know if that works


Wow, that is something REALLY odd. I guess bug comes from some old Quest scripting. I will check it and fix today. Thanks for reporting! :)


Another weird bug: when the technical skill goes above 10, I can't work anymore, or rather I click on the line, but no event happens, time doesn't pass, and the "job done" sign is checked in.


Where can i find the working cheats?


Guys, help! Cheat is not working!

Fallen Angel Creations

bug boss called me to office was no option to go or close window had to close game deleate all progress now got to start over really need to put easy save or auto save at end of day


Hi Jeff, cheats (as well as access to development area) are provided to 10$ patrons as additional appreciation for their support of my project


I will check the option for saving game as the amount of content increased. For now I can see described bug with message 'Hi, Mike! The Boss were looking for you. asdasdasd asd asd sa asd ask;jkd a' is something pretty common. It's not a logic bug, but something wrong with Flash Player itself (object is not initiated at all. This string is just a default value). It might be tricky, but I have some ideas how to avoid this bug


Ok, this is resolved by downloading zip archive, unpacking it and running game from html file


It's hard to admin, but this is not really a bug, but game normal behaviour... My idea was that when the girl gets more skills or advance with career, her routine scenes will change. However for now I have only starting scenes for Casey's career :( So it is working now only before 10 skill or 10 career points.


Ok, I've updated the game with what should probably solve the game crushing issue. If not - you will see message 'This is default message. If you see it, something went wrong' and button to close the chat. Please let me know if you ever see this message in the game (you shouldn't)


can't find cheats :(


cant find the cheats as well


Can I get a Pm for cheats as can't find them


cant find the cheats as well


can I get a pm for cheats? 'm unable to find them


Love the game as far. Can't wait to see the "end" game, as this is a huge game. And I love the new content every time. I'm so happy about this game. Keep up the great work! And please never stop working on this project it has great potential as I always see in your ideas and updates!


i can not play it how i do it


download archive, unpack, run from html file. You need flash player installed (or similar browser add-on)


Can't find cheats aswell


love it


Can't find development area... and can't find cheats.


haha hate to also be that guy but i too need the cheats :P


me eather


i cant even play dis game on fire fox or on chrome or on internet explorer please help!?


i can play it finally :D


i like this game but i cant find the cheats and how can i acces the development area?


can not find development area for cheats


Hi James, it's here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/3715075">https://www.patreon.com/posts/3715075</a>