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We're moving surprisingly fast with 'Casey cleaning' drawing, but then one of our team members asked me why the hell are girls in comics are barely dressed all the time. 

Well, my personal answer is simple - I like exaggeration and I like naked girls, so I don't see a problem showing girls spicier than they are in the game in general. (OH HELL, if I had a side artist who could draw my fantasies into comics, I'd love to have a separate lore project or comics-like game project just to see more of my fantasies put on the paper! Hopefully one day... one day...).

With the drawing below you probably get what I mean - the top is so tight that Casey had to untie it a little, her panties are off the side, but she is too busy to notice that.

Though I wonder what do you think?

Do you like it too or you'd love to see less nudity in comics?



I think the level of nudity needs to be determined by the context. I don’t see why she would be nude in the comic if she wouldn’t be in the game. That said, if the point of the comics to more quickly portray scene fillers than I’m all for it. But nudity for the sake of it should just be a side project and not intertwined.


So what do you think in particular of Casey and Tuna in general 'Waitress comics', when their tops are so tight that their tits are often slipping off when they serve customers?


I think it really depends on the character. Some people enjoy wearing very little or no clothing and others tend to find comfort in clothes. Having a variety with this, i think, adds an aspect of realism to the characters. Lana, for instance, strikes me as someone who would feel comfortable being completely clothed in public and not hugely into being scantily dressed. Whereas Tuna doesn't care about being naked or using her assets. Anyway, that's just my opinion, I'm enjoying the project so far regardless.


Could depend on the outfit, if you're cleaning whilst in uniform, it is pretty tight and things might slip, but if you decide to clean after work, then you're a little better kept. Could simply get Casey to comment that this damn uniform is so tight! But ah well no one else is here... Or could someone be watching after all?


Agreed, Jackie and Tuna are obvious sluts, Lana is very shy and proper, until the urge takes over then she is mental. Casey seems to be slutty only when she needs to be, otherwise she tries to behave I think 😆


80%. this is what I call a close-knit team)))


I personally find girls who are sexier when they are sem-nude than when they are fully nude. So any wardrobe malfunctions or nip-slips are great in my opinion. (don't get me wrong naked girls are sexy as well).


I totally agree with this myself. That is why I'm so much into tits slipping out here and there or panties siding off

william wofford

Not to be rude ,but I love nearly or all nude ,the more naked skin the more I'm in ....If you dress her like a nun ,that ain't no fun ....... Bottom line its an adult game ...if there are Clothes ya got to make em seductive and barely there .....Keep in mind how Casey was dressed in the original .....don't change the formula ...

Puffin Vid

Now, one thing I would love to see happening would be a clothing system. To spice up more and more fantasies with each character. Imagine, you choose different clothes and, therefore, you could watch nudity and sex scenes with different clothes. Leaving her very diverse and hot !!


They had this in Act 1, and it was awesome! I can see that it would be difficult with the style of animation, not to mention the work that goes into the new level of quality. But yeah, let us dress the girls up 😆😆

Mai Ballzich of Korse

generally not a fan of dictating anyone's artistic direction