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Hi. Development version with latest update is released for 10$+ patrons here at development area.

In case if you might want to volunteer doing the translation, please let me know - I'll provide you the app and dev version of the game to test it working.

In short about this update

This part of the update mostly finishes story development for Vault competitions for now.

Second part of v4 should implement fixes and more or less cover the side line for Casey & Dave, introducing new Casey & Dave scene. After that we'll have a public release of everything altogether.

What we aim next is adding more Vault patrons and more scenes to happen with patrons and girls in the Vault. Vault Special will be a rare and very profitable scene in terms of tips, so sooner or later Casey will want to get her tits into Tuna’s area. Though Tuna keeps her eye on Toby as well…

Development directions beyond v4

  • Adding visual of patrons to Vault before adding their stories (and their Vault Specials)
  • Gym area - training here will let girls buff their bodies with long-lasting perks
  • Casey’s non-working time (there’s basically nothing to do when Casey is not at work)
  • Lana's story (right now there's almost nothing to play with Lana)
  • Rex story of bribes and eviction. Introduction of this story will put additional stress on girl’s income, but should be balanced by adding extra tips for Casey’s attraction and productivity stats after Vault becomes a popular place (introduction of Vault Special)
  • Need some review of Tuna’s being that aggressive stealing customers.

What’s in this update (iteration from v3.1):

  • Shortly after Vault Competition is done, girls get an idea to rollout Vault Special and finally make Vault popular
  • Whole new Vault Special chain of events + two new scenes integrated with the story and are available after the story
  • After Vault Special event is done, Casey will get access to rare, but highly profitable Vault Special for Toby
  • After Vault Special event is done, Casey can trigger Tuna Threesome ‘spiced’ events without using Spice - threesome with half-price promotional drinks on Friday and spiced Pink Lady drink any time if Arnie has access to Vault Special (35+ points).
  • At the beginning of the game Casey gets 20 fitness stat, which decays 1 per week. This will let Casey have a ‘Good Shape’ buff for Attraction and Productivity for the first 10 weeks. Fixes added for old save games to add fitness stat there as well. The plan is that losing this buff will start the ‘Workout’ event in later versions.
  • Casey can get her free drink without ending the shift if she was harassed by Tuna or Arnie during her shift.
  • 1 drunk stat now provides ‘Flirty’ buff, which adds +5 to Attraction.
  • Vault patrons are now visible in Vault and clickable (black boxes with names for Arnie and Toby right now, but we’re doing complete rework of the location)
  • Improper competition events and some other actions were changed from ‘happening after doing something in the Vault’ to ‘happening when you click on certain characters if conditions are met’ to make it clear how to trigger some events (for example catching Toby alone actually requires him sitting alone at the table. The other example - Lana triggers “Toby falls for Casey” event if you clickToby (playing as Lana) when Casey is working in the Vault and Toby is alone.).
  • After Vault Special all patrons now accumulate Vault Special points by default when they are at Vault (including days when Casey is not working) + they get bonus points for interactions with waitresses and participating in other events. Right now this is implemented for Arnie, Toby and Dough (no scene for Dough though). The plan is that everyone will eventually have this system and Casey or Tuna will be able to trigger their Vault Special events using those points (and deducting them).
  • Otto is now working from 6AM till 10AM (before Jackie gets to work). He was added mostly for quest-related reasons, so I’ll be expanding his character later on.
  • Tuna & Arnie (previous ‘Tuna stealing customers’) are now visually available in Vault near bar Friday and Sunday (we will be fixing their chairs to meet Vault look later on)
  • Leads for Arnie liking Tuna added for future development
  • 3 music tracks are added: default theme, Vault (sad & decay) theme, light sex theme.
  • Voicing for many scenes, I don’t really remember how much. Probably all of them (some has voice too low, but I’ll be fixing this later on)
  • Tuna and Casey now have some phrases voiced in-game. We’ll see how this goes in future.
  • Controls 0-100 for Music, Voices, Sounds. Next update I’ll be making all voices way louder to a particularly similar level - so you can tune it down or up to mix with music nicely.
  • Also now it is more or less clear what cheats might be added later on and for what reason, so I plan to add some 10$+ cheats during further version dev development.




when will it go out to all the patrons?


Around 3 weeks. I plan to release Casey & Dave scene next week and their story should not take all that long. After that development build is released including Casey & Dave stuff and in a couple of days after all bugs are fixed / tested - public release is out


I am stuck on the quest how to make vip area profitable HELP


I have the quest to play with Lana who does not start and the competition has already started, I am stuck at 47/45 how can I do?


yeah, that's correct. Remember Lana need to find out that Toby has crush on Casey and tell it to Casey before she can take advantage over Toby to win the competition


hi. here's the part from walkthrough that you are looking for: Speak back to Tuna about VIP area. She tells you to speak to someone who knows things on business Talking to Lana doesn't change anything Get to the Grocery before 10AM to catch Otto. Ask him business advice. Get back to Tuna to make sure she will support Vault Special menu idea. Promise her you will take care of Toby if he ever gets enough bravery to ask for Vault Special. Next day talk to Dave about it to get his approval.


The sentences for The Quest little favor are nowhere to be found, luna directly launches the competition, and not the threat of being fired, if that I can not take care of Dave, and play with Lana


hi. Here it's description 9. SMALL FAVOR (Something special for Toby) This event turns available during Vault Competition event and available during the normal work shift afterwards. Beware that you need 20+ attraction to successfully trigger this event! During Vault Competition event you can trigger this before Casey is caught cheating and after unlocking this event (after having triggered this scene once) when Casey notices Toby is sitting all alone After Vault Competition event you can trigger this event any day Toby in Vault by clicking "I may check if Toby needs 'anything'" option If Arnie is in the Vault too he will try to get himself involved into the scene - Casey will have to choose to allow him to join to get more points or threaten him to call Dave to shoo Arnie away. Allowing Arnie to join Casey also finds out that Arnie works in Gym as yoga trainer. There is also a special line available if Casey has 20+ relations with Arnie - Casey welcomes Arnie with "Hahaha, welcome to the party!" line. In this case line to allow Arnie lick Casey's ass is unlocked. Note: allowing Arnie to join during Vault Competition event will result in Casey caught cheating during competition and nearly fired.


this is how the threat of being fired should be triggered: 3. CASEY HAND-JOBBING DAVE Talk to Tuna during your shift Casey needs at least 5 Vault career points to start this chain Start Casey's shift on the same day when Tuna works (Friday-Sunday) Talk to Tuna before completing the shift, she will tell Casey that Casey's going to be fired soon Talk to Jackie about 'how to suck up to your Boss' Find Dave at VIP Lounge area after your shift (Monday-Tuesday or Saturday) and use Jackie's advice to start the scene (you need 10+ relations with Dave to get that option) Now you can trigger this scene on the same days as well


if none of this works, please make a cloud save and let me know which slot is it in PM. I'll try to make bug check


I just understood by starting the party again, it was necessary to talk to Tuna while Dave is in the vip room to be threatened with being fired, during the competition Tuna takes care of arnie thus prevent me from launching the quest


so right now 'Tuna threats' thing needs to be done before Vault competition, otherwise you can't make Lana playable, right?


Exactly, launch the competition directly, tuna makes itself "unavailable


thanks a lot! I will check this bug and make sure it is fixed in the next dev update


Hi. We are not doing translations as a part of game development right now (we are really small team, so we don't have stuff / human-hours to cover most 'additional' type of content), but this is rather something that can be volunteered by our fans if anyone wishes to.

Darko Maric

How can i Play Lana? bec its play able in The Walktrough? pls help


Hello! Just want to say that this is a fantastic game, both original and 2.0! Thanks for the content :)

Wallace Trader

Im not a 10+ patreon, but i can help you with the translation to spanish.


When Casey wakes up go again to the bed and There is the option to change character. I hope I've helped


yeah, that's right. Thank you, Jajaja. It is available after completing 4. TUNA RIDING (Makes Lana playable) in walkthrough https://www.patreon.com/posts/act2-v-3-38749431 4. TUNA RIDING (Makes Lana playable) Catch Tuna Riding Dave's You need to have Vault popularity 11+ and finish Casey Hand-jobbing Dave event Tuna Riding scene can be triggered with 100% chance on Saturday after midnight at VIP when Casey is after her shift. Talk to Tuna about that Come back home and talk to Lana about things going bad (this dialog will unlock playing Lana)


If you don't mind, I would like to ask when the version will be available for the rest of patreons? I'm really looking forward to it ;)


hi, Nakra. The plan is to make dev version within this week, then fix all possible missed bugs and have a general release next week.