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I know you were telling this to me before, but today I was writing script bones/draft for 'After Vault Competition' and way I was shocked that Vault looks actually empty. Non a single soul there except Dave and Tuna!

We'll start looking into how to make Vault look good this and next week. I know this is not going to be an easy task, but hey, it's not like we're making a separate track for Vault and not filling it with customers! 

P.S. the guy on the image is a concept for a VIP client. I like the middle one most. He likes Casey very much (actually any girl). Let me know who's your favorite and stay tuned for Vault updates. I hope to see some rough ideas soon.



Casey and Tuna getting ravaged by tentacles 😍😋 Now there's a happy thought


That angry looking squid on the right can be the octopus' wife who has to drag him home every night 😄


I’m sure Casey wouldn’t mind getting a surprise visit from him while swimming at the beach either 😏 [then maybe she loses her bikini in the water for the rest of the day. Nude beach activities and now she’s gotta walk home naked. (Exhibitionism is my favorite genre if you couldn’t tell)]


Would be funny if he just turned up randomly in all public spaces and snatched clothes off her 😆 bit rapey but might be a fun random encounter

Puffin Vid

fantastic idea!! ^^

Puffin Vid

My opinion: I don't really like tentacles, but in a future project with more animations I might change my mind depending on how the art takes shape. I say this because a character that has tentacles, in a way, ends up replacing a future "gangbang", which would bring together several other independent characters. A tentacled character ends up concentrating many roles on his own in a future sex scene. Instead, we could have more characters who would do their own sexual adventures with the girls and, when united, would do what an "octopus/plant/alien" of many tentacles does alone.

Puffin Vid

Of course, I'm just expressing a personal opinion. I know that everything takes time and dedication. And depending on what this new character idea turns out to be, maybe I'll end up liking tentacles! Anyway, congratulations to the artist who made these 3 drawings.


hey, any date or so on when there will be an update?


hi. I'm working on the story last couple of days and hopefully dev release with big part of story will happen at the end of this week or start of next one