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Alternative route for gym story. We tried to make 'no' look hot as well.




No rush but when can we play this ?


You guys have really been on top of posting updates this summer. Great job 👍

Puffin Vid

I am very happy with the frequency of posts. It just shows that the team is very engaged. Great! <3 <3


this mini-comics will not be added to the game before at least v5 and if it gets in v5 it will have only 'no' ending. The reason is because if we want it right it should end with a scene, and we don't even have an approved concept for that scene :/


Oh yeah, we're trying our best now. Hopefully, we can turn this pace for arts update into new 'normal'

Puffin Vid

I want what you want. Imagine waking up to the news that the game is fully released!