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While doing brainstorming on future scenes pToon-T and I wondered what would happen if Lana got a little drunk and accidentally dropped her phone under the table that she thought was unoccupied... only to find it actually wasn't...

Just to clarify that we're not going into this story (yet), as our first goal is to develop / finish ongoing stories first. This is rather 'just for fun' stuff.




I for one support this idea whole heartedly 😍😂😂 Can't wait to see it somewhere down the line


Love all Lana stuff so this is a 10/10


Can't have too much Lana I agree with Mr.B7iink this is 10/10 Tho how did she not saw Thoose 2 huge men lol

Puffin Vid

it's a fantastic idea! I just created a lot of expectations. I love everything that involves this character, even more if there's a blowjob.


This would be insane!