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I'm sorry, guys, I've miscalculated the time this scene's animation supposed to take.
All required animations are still not finished, so I can't make a scene.

New estimation for this scene is end of this week (I don't want to estimate it as 'within couple of days' and write another sorry-post again)

On the bright side is I'm done with voice editing for Tuna Threesome scene last week, and task description for voicing two other Tuna scenes is ready too - hopefully we have all of them voiced & updated in upcoming v4.

We're smoothly going with new arts, so I'll have those posted to entertain you in the while.

Sorry for this delay.




No worries L2G, delays happen


All good, delays happen. Any idea when we might see Jackie in action?


Current plan is to finish this scene, one more scene with Casey (to be able to finish & logically close the whole block of story for v4 update) and next after those two is Jackie scene