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Hi guys,

few of you mentioned the bug that Casey needs to drink coffee or energetics to perform well at her work when she gets over 200$ and trait 'broke' is removed. 

That isn't a bug, but we initially planned that a 'broke' trait should help girls at the early stages of the game, but later on girls should find a way to get long-term buffs to their productivity and attraction (I'm saying 'girls' because we have a plan for Lana working too later on). What could make a girl's ass look fit more than fitness? :D

It might cost Casey money or someone's favor to start her workouts at the gym, but that should be worth it, right?

Note: no, Casey is not going to do her workouts with naked ass, it's just the WIP turned out this way :) She will have her tight shorts on. 

Note 2: We're working over gym events and arts in parallel with other stuff, but has no actual estimation for when it is implemented, but definitely not in v4

Note 3: Guess who is yoga / fitness trainer




You really know how to hype someone 😱


Behind Casey should be a coach with a big dick?💦🌝


Это же не секрет, это есть в диалогах, разве нет? Или я лишнее говорю?)))


But naked butt yoga sounds like pretty damn good idea. ^^


Это так, но я уверен, что этот диалог есть в последней сборке))) так что правильнее сказать, что в этот момент мало кто внимательно читает текст)))


Like the direction this is going. Keep up the great work!


As a fan of exhibitionism in games id love see Casey working out with naked ass! Haha i also hope the nude beach makes a return and maybe Casey and Tuna can strip on certain nights


Who might be the yoga trainer ?? Could it be our favorite squirrel slut ??


Naked Yoga! as a reward for a good Casey/Lana relationship?


Мм... Какая хорошая идея топлес обслуживания в некоторые дни в баре))) И как мне самому эта идея в голову не пришла)