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Hi, guys. 

Now, when the development version is released for 10$+ patrons here is what I'm going after:

  • The game will be released for everyone in around 2 weeks. The plan is to bug test it and prepare some translations for it before the general release.
  • If you want to do the bug testing that includes reporting on bugs, please pm me here or on discord and I'll send you the link for the game.
  • Need volunteering translators, would be great if we work with the same guys we did before for each language. Please send me a pm here or via discord - I will provide you with a translator app either for windows and linux + access to the development version of the game where you can play the game and directly test your translations in the game!
  • I'll start working over Kelly's act1 scene right away. It will be available for some time in the '5$+ Early Access Scenes' section and then will be removed and will stay available only in the gallery. We do not plan to integrate this scene into act2 in any other way.
  • I need music so much! Something sci-fi cool as default and sex music. If you're writing music for games yourself and have any leads, please pm me. I think act2 has grown enough to get some nice music for it.
  • Something went wrong during our last communication with the possible voice of the Tuna and it was interrupted in the middle. I want to give it a second shot
  • We will get to the normal practice of regular sharing content including those we've got during my work over the development release

Okay, that's all good, but what would you get in v4?

  • we plan to partially rework Casey-Dave relations, assuming now we have relations mechanics in the game - Dave will be the one it is hard to get relations with. But hey, we'll be adding a scene where Dave actually fucks Casey :)
  • we will either add Tuna's next scene or Jackie's scene during the next update
  • we probably need a visualized inventory menu - well I should've added it during this release, but coding it would take even more time, so probably next time.
  • and that's all. I want to keep next release somewhat compact with overall 3 scenes including Kelly's act1 scene so I don't get into making walls of text for update and long-time delays for it.




Thanks for the update!


looks great with that shady guy in the back :) thanks for the update. take your time and enjoy your work! one question: would it be possible to implement that savegames could be loaded directly from the main menu?


yes, but it needs a creation of a complete new interface (existing one won't work) so I moved all 'extra' for later and will add them with new versions to speed up development (like I added Relations in this version, will add inventory in the next one, etc)