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As I mentioned previously, we have some delays in arts assets production with our arts team, but our animator has extra free time instead. So I'm looking into giving him few old assets that was done long ago for act1 and then was scrapped (because of old arts style or scrapping the idea of the story-line as a whole). For example one is Kelly on the party with Rex and VIP (as you know Rex was never implemented in act1), the other one is how dickfrogs hunt was resolved by Kelly and Casey (that was never implemented as a story for act1 as well).

Recently I gave my animator a Kelly's scene to work over, but I wonder what do you think about it? Is it worth doing some story-unrelated scenes animations, if we have spare animator time, to make a little more content for the project per month time?




Не совсем в итоге понял. Если у человека есть свободное время и он может потратить его на стороннюю анимацию - это здорово. А если у него есть время, но есть работа по акт 2 - это значит у него нет свободного времени:) т.к. сейчас команда занимается акт 2. Или я не прав?


we have separate guys who do arts for the game (draw everything, concepts, assets for animation) and the guy who animates everything. The problem with delays is with art guys, so the animator has some free time because art guys do not produce enough content per month to load him with 100% of work load per month


Это я понял. Я не понял суть вопроса для опроса. Фактически ты спрашиваешь, хотите ли вы ещё больше горячей анимации или нет?)))) Я думаю единственный, кто ответит нет - это сам аниматор за ха ха ха)))) или смысл опроса в другом?


yeah, kind of that is the question ) might be silly, but I don't feel 100% confident of what most of my patrons think about this. For example few guys don't like WIP updates, preferring less work-in-progress updates per month, while others (most according to old polls) would rather like to see more wip updates per month


Looks like more of a "You can't please everyone" scenario. Though I cant see how people would hate this idea ^^


Мне кажется, ты слишком сильно заморачиваться по этому вопросу. Это решение может и должно исходить от тебя в зависимости от занятости членов команды. Т.е. я знаю, что задерживаю обновления, и по этому аниматор, который сейчас немного свободен поработает над некоторыми старыми вещами, что бы поддержать интерес подписчиков, и поддержать ликвидность продукта. Но опрос так опрос))) кстати, по его промежуточному результату видно, что у аниматора есть один друг))))) вы бы тоже поддержали его, парни!))))


WIll there be a similar scene in act 2


I don't know how anybody could say no to more scenes :D related or otherwise!


yes, if we finally fix the issue with arts production. Initially I had a plan of doing pretty much similar scene for act2


Would be awesome! Maybe those scenes might be some kind of bonus/wet dream which can be unlocked?


Hell yeah! More scenes is always better because you do such amazing work. This scene looks awesome already. And I'd definitely want to see a dick frog scene


More art and animation of the quality of L2G is a-ok for me. Though I personally don't want to see it interferring or stop the content/work on Act2.


Но ведь это и не мешает. Человек, который будет этим заниматься сейчас свободен. Условия замедления работы над Act2 и не стояло.


WIll there also be a Nikki dp scene?


later definitely. We're making a raising curve of scenes 'hardcore' level, adding more characters to the scenes and moving from kinda handjob scenes to more diverse and intense scenes


yeah, we're not doing it instead of act2. Moreover I even ceased most of gift-card tasks in order to concentrate artists on doing stuff for game rather then something one-time


Sure, I added original file to the attachments of this post


You talk about act2?


I think it’s a fantastic idea. It always bothered me that only some scenes were reworked with newer artwork and others were not, so I would love to see some improvements to Act 1 in the meantime


Same, there are plenty of great scenes that would fit in act 2. Any particular ones that you would want to see updated?