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Thank you everyone for your kind wishes! I couldn't reply personally both because of my bad condition and poor connection here.

I wanted to write down this update, as things are getting a bit more clear now

4 days ago I was moved to covid-treatment hospital and same days my health conditions declined rapidly. I was badly breathing, most time using oxygen to be able to breath. However since yesterday my health became stable (though very bad) and stayed more or less stable until today. I do even see very light improvements in my condition (I'm still using oxygen, but I can do longer without oxygen mask and quality of using it increased). This actually brings me a lot of hope. (Finally!)

Assuming from my meds plan I'll stay at the hospital at least next 7 days minimum. I hope no major health issues occur during those days, so they can be turned into steady healing.



Praying u get well soon.


Get well soon!!


Hope you get better soon!


I’m glad you’re improving. It’s tough here too, but if somebody as evil as Donald Trump can recover, you can, too


I'm happy that you feel even a tiny bit better and hope everything goes well with the treatment! Get well soon!


Hope it works out for you. I am gonna get a test soon myself, hope it is just something unrelated and not COVID-19.


Crap. I hope things get better for you.


Take your time, get well.

Benjamin RIONDET

Get Well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJUhlRoBL8M


Take your time and get well.


don't push yourself, take your time to recover. we'll be here waiting patiently for more good news.

Benjamin Campbell

feel better soon man! take all the time you need!


Don't die on us man we need you


Just hang in there Brother take it easy till your better take all the time you need man getting better takes priority we're here for you.


I hope you feel better soon!


Take care and get well! And whenever the Virus bites you... bite back XD


Thank you for updating us even though you are so sick! Get well soon!


You wanna drag yourself outta that bed and get to bloody work!!! (I jest get well soon... REAL soon!!.. that's another joke by the way)