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Hi guys,

I've reworked an old Jack & Kelly scene, I hope you enjoy new animation - I was aiming tit-moves especially. File also contains scene sex voicing (which I don't really like that much and already working with another person regarding voicing another scene). However I'd like to get a feedback from you 1) if animation is good enough to use this 'banging' style for new animations; 2) do you think adding this sound worth it?

Old 'Jack & Kelly' scene is added for comparison reasons.




I thought that the new animation was very good but I also felt like there was nothing wrong with the voice actor you had this is just the thoughts of some random person on the internet but before you go looking for someone else maybe let the person you have try a few scene's since I at least enjoyed it the only thing that I can really see wrong once again was grammar and spelling at one point instead of you it was u to me personally again random person on the internet it seems lazy I hope any of this helped you and can't wait to see more in the future


Hi Cat, thanks for feedback :) I will shortly add voicing for 'Toilet Scene #2' which should be much better. Regarding grammar - it will be redone shortly. I'm already have enough support from you guys, so I'm working with professional writer to redo the game a bit, including many more lines and content


It's very good!! But I found that Jack's left hand is a little bit weird when he put it on Kelly's chest. Hope that the final version will be better. ^^


Yeah, I'm still not very good with all that angles (as I do not have Drawing background), but will improve it eventually :)