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Hi guys,

You haven't heard from me for a while for many reasons: one is seasonal art productivity drop in December (I have no clue why, but happens every year); another one is I was doing coding for act2, which is hard to share.

Hard to share, but at least I made this short video of what we did so far - this is a kind of scene maker for setting up / editing and setting translation of game dialogues. 

This way it is easy and comfortable to set up dialogue scene view (right now for act1 I have to keep 3 windows open and set up all code and connections manually to make it work, then compile a game to find out few bugs -> edit -> compile -> ...). Also that should be easy for fan-translators to make translations into their languages. 

We are making act2 with multi-language support from the start with English as default language (you can see this on the video, that when game doesn't find appropriate translation of the text it show English block of text instead)

P.S: Right now we have animation mostly finished and I'm working over game scene, the plan is to release it next week.

P.P.S.: Also I think the very first act2 patron show off will happen around next month. Not much will be to see there (a couple of dialogues, characters, etc), but at least you can get first impression and provide us available feedback


Panthea act2 - SceneMaker in Unity

A short preview of how dialogue scene is setup now



Dear Leave2gether, can you add Russian language in game?)


Holy shit dialog and reactions look amazing. I cannot wait for what 2020 has in store for Casey. I remember when her only scene was with Sam in the bathroom


I remember that too :D The fan thing is act1 started in January and will end in January (hopefully)


sure, if we have a volunteer to translate it. We already have fonts that can be used for Russian language


Dear Leave2gether, you translate with google?


if I translate it with google, it will read like if it was translated with google :D


how do i solve this problem where it says im not a patreon supporter of yours because i recently updated my payment method


as I said - we can have it in different languages if we have people who are eager to handle the translation. I was asked about less popular languages like Romanian and I reply the same - if any of our fans wants to handle the translation - we can provide them with tools and make it possible to include translations into release


The new style looks awesome! Looking forward to what you guys create with this!!


Dear Leave2gether, but how I can help if I don’t understand how use scene maker?


You can show me sentences and I attempt to translate them all to Russian language)


Can´t wait fot act 2 its gonna be awesome, fav game so far <3


when we come closer to actually lunching act2 and translating it - I will prepare video and manual for how to do the translation, what files volunteer translators will receive and what needs to be sent back to be added to the game


Cool, thank you. I will make a separate post next year when we initiate translations


Dear Leave2gether, when next December update?


Any scope of releasing the scene editor to fans? :) Would be fun to play around with!!


I will release basic Jack-Kelly scene in around 2 days. Advanced Jack-Kelly-Casey should be posted before New Year. Last ac1 game version will probably be available in the end of January (we still need to prepare 2 January scenes for it)


I think we can release it around February, but not before very first version of act2 itself