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Okay, a few words about act2 we're working on right now.

What / how we want act2 to be:

  • it will look more like visual novel (characters will not actually walk), with visual-novel style of dialogues;
  • you will be able to travel between locations, talk to people, do work, participate in parties, like you did in act1;
  • we are using Unity as main game engine;
  • we target Web, Windows (exe) and Android (apk) as our main export platforms;
  • we will update / remake all graphics in the game (nothing from act1 will get directly / unchanged into act2);
  • the story will continue somewhat after act1, but the focus will change. For example at the start of act2 Casey will work in Vault as waitress together with Tuna
  • we plan to have 2 playable characters: Casey and Lana. Maybe some others playable as episode characters
  • we will make act2 playable in multiple languages (I already have a first version for translator), but the plan is to use volunteers who want to translate it. English will be a default language
  • sex scenes will remain as they are now, except comics-style dialogues will be replaced with novel-style dialogues

What we already have:

  • hand-made scene maker (a system that allows easy way to setup dialogue scenes) + translator
  • 4 characters are drawn: Casey, Lana, Dave, Tuna
  • 3 characters are animated: Casey, Lana, Dave. We plan to animate Tuna in November (next after "Meet Boss (reworked)" scene)
  • Set of location sketches + few locations partially done

 What we are working over right now and short-time plans:

  • actual game interface design (the one you can see on images in this post)
  • game-engine (dialogues, scenes, moving between locations, multi language, etc)
  • new characters: right now we have one more human girl in development. We will need 3 more side characters for game start: Rex (land lord), Tommi, Kelly (I just love her) and few Vault patrons
  • new locations - currently I'm trying to hire a full time artist, who can make locations in the required style. We have no resources for this in our team :(
  • story - we had no luck with story writers so far, so we will continue with story ourselves at the moment. Also I will be posting something next month, where you can contribute your ideas to events that happen to Casey and Tuna while they are doing their work at Vault

We do not plan to introduce any sex scenes (done) for act2 this year - we simply don't have enough animator time to do both for act1 and act2. Though I'm already looking for a second animator, with a minimum set of required skills

Summary: It is going pretty slow (also because we are doing it in parallel with act1), the results we have are little, but nice. I would call it another game rather then act2 if we were not planning to continue the story and use same characters



So, did I for it right that in Act 2 it will be like that act 1 never existed - like an alternative Universe? Does that mean act 1 will be have an open End / never ended?


no. act1 will have an end. Act2 will continue some story lines from where act1 ended and will add more new


it's just that act1 will have different ending then what we initially planned for the whole game


Oh okay. Then I just got it wrong. Will we ever hear how the game should have ended? :)


I don't like visual novels so I think I'm going to be leaving this journey you're on thanks for the ride it's been epic cya round


Thank you for staying with us! I was referring to visual style though, did not say it will be a visual novel.


I am totally willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on your decisions. But, one question I had immediately: why unity if it will end up looking like a renpy game? Also: I can understand why "visual novel" is a bit of a dirty word, because I find those not fun at all; but I get what you mean by "vn style": scenery, static character displays and a text box. The story you did for act1 so far was good! Just maybe some bits in the dialogue were a bit unusual in phrasing. If you have a convenient text repository system, I would even like to help with language things, to the best of my abilities.


I agree that 'visual novel' is a dirty word and I don't like visual novels much myself, but it is so far the simplest way to describe the visual style. yes, we plan to make text available for some of our supporters at least for translations (probably for phrasing fixes too) in pretty much comfortable format.


Why Unity over RenPy - simply because we aren't making a visual novel :D 1. We will not have a direct story narrative, instead the plan is to make npc characters have their own activities, in which main characters can participate this or other way 2. We will use animations and other stuff, that doesn't work with RenPy


when I refer to Visual Novel style I'm rather talking about: 1) how dialogues look like; 2) main character will not be walking on screen, but interact with objects / npc by clicking on them


I personally cant wait for the switch. I like that type of game when its done right which sounds like you plan on. Especially with your art style act 2 should be amazing! Also I love that there’ll be more male characters for Casey to “interact” with! Thats been a suggestion of mine for awhile now lol plus with the unity/vn style I hope there will be more overall content with maybe a single picture for Casey being groped at the vault as opposed to having to make an entire animated scene for everything. Keep up the good work!


in my versión the message icon dont let me reed the content, and is a very usual issue, how can i fixed? I download de .exe version


yeah, we want to show some moments (that are not really important to be animated) as a static image with text - this should speed up development a bit


if you mean that you have a message button but it gives no messages - this could happen if you are outside of the office. Try checking messages again when you are at the Galaxy Pumps again

Toris Frendon

will it be like 100% as a visuel norvel, or can we interact with world like clicking on the pc to do work, etc ?


when I refer to Visual Novel style I'm rather talking about: 1) how dialogues look like; 2) main character will not be walking on screen, but interact with objects / npc by clicking on them


Since it will be a visual novel style game will there be lock romance? Or you just go around doing other things? Also since your working on act 1 and act 2 at the same time, not to be picky or rushing you is there a exact date when act 2 will be released? Since I seen some developers do two games at the same time and some fail to deliver because there is not enough help or complain that it was a bad idea to work on two games.


hi. What do you man lock romance? regarding act1 and act2 - we are failing to deliver act2 nicely (just like other developers you mentioned) - this is why we plan to end act1 around January 2020 and fully concentrate on act2 development. I have no dates for act2 super-early version, because too much needs to be done there

Kasimir Michael

wie sieht es mit einer deutschen Übersetzung aus ?


we will have it if any of our fans will be willing to make the translation (or if our project will grow big and we can hire professional translators). In anyway, the very possibility of running game in different languages is a core feature and will be implemented among first features


Hey man, I got to say, I love what you've done so far, and as a fan of visual novels I couldn't be more excited for chapter 2. That been said, I would like to volunteer both as a translator of the game to Spanish, as well as a creative writer. I've already published some things and would love to be included in the project. If you are interested don't doubt to contact me, otherwise I would still be around supporting anything that u are working on next.


I can translate it to Polish if you ever fancy that. :)