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This is an update that you were probably waiting for a while now (and so did we). 

Note:  I will make another post dedicated to act2 current stage & plans later this or next week 

Last half a year we were working on act2 in parallel (rather less successful then more) while keeping act1 running. As a result we had pretty few outcomes for act2 - it turned out (surprise!) that we don't have enough resources to run development for both games simultaneously. For example it is pretty hard (next to impossible) to hire extra artist, who can keep up with current game style, or extra animator, who can do stuff at current level as well. 

We've learned from this, and changed our plan. What we are doing now:

  • Hiring second animator (still no luck with this, but I keep trying)
  • We added one more artist to our team, who try / learn to keep current art style for scenes and characters
  • We try working with new artist, who suppose to do locations for act2 (not much result here yet).
  • We continue act2 development in parallel (Right now I'm doing a kind of  Unity-based scene-maker framework, that will allow to setup dialogue scenes nice, fast and easy. As well as we are doing characters and locations concepts)
  • We draw and end-line for act1

The plan is to make last act1 release around January 2020. No worries, Act2 will continue many story lines from act1 as well as most characters will get into act2 (I will make another post dedicated to act2 current stage & plans later this or next week)

Our road-map and planned scenes for act1 looks as following:

  • October: Release v36 (Lana's first and Lana's nightmare#2)
  • November: Release v37 (Brothers share Casey, Meet Boss (2 variants) reworked & extended)
  • December-January v38 (Ram blindfolded, Kelly and Casey blowjob for Jack, rework of Casey Inspiration scene (when Jack / Ram jerk on her)

v38 will be the last act1 version and after that we will wholly concentrate on doing act2. 

I can't promise that we will have act2 ready for some playable point at January nor that we will have any scenes ready for it till that time - but moving to act2 is a hard step that need to be taken.




Keep up the good work


Once we move over to act 2 will some act 1 quality scenes in same artwork style move over to it or will be be completely new stuff from bottom up?


completely new stuff. One of the reasons is because we change all characters visual (some more, some less) and completely change the environment looks. I would love to take few of my favorite scenes into act2 (and that would allow a better start with some content already in the game), but for sake of act2 quality we better not :(


Dear Leave2gether, I understand correctly sooo, act 2 will be 3D game, am I right?


Thank for keeping us in the loops

Patron of the Strange

Will my current funding support needed to be changed for act 2 when it comes out or will you be rolling over supporters into the new content?


thank you for the update! keep up the good work, love your content!


The game will be 2D, Unity will be the framework that handle the assets and coding for the game, as well as provide multi platform compatibility, just like Flash is now.


We will be mostly rolling over supporters. We plan to add few features for existing tiers, but in general tiers' structure will remain the same


Really hyped for the Casey meets boss scene, any previews :))


Uhn. It's so sad that we won't get more Tommi - Casey action. I love those parts the most! Will Tommi be still in act 2?


Understandable, will miss some old scenes but might keep old version of act 1 along side the new. One thing I would suggest with new is making progression slightly smoother, act 1 could feel little grinding with scenes because wasn't many scenes except for very few you could repeat early on, making day seem like repeating same process, without much variation until you get littler deeper in career and unlocking stages. Anyways just thought from one player personal perspective :D


hi. Sure, I love that little blue perv with all my heart, so we plan to keep him :D


Yeah, this is a good idea. Maybe we will add more text to the game as well (since it will be easier to make text for act2). One of the reason act1 lacked content is because it's really hard to make it - even with dedicated members of the team we can't produce more then 2 scenes a month so far


Can the Ram blindfolded scene be anal ?


the original sketch is wayyyy better


afther all Sam is the Butt master


the angle is such that it is not exactly visible is this an anal or not... so why not? :)