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Link to new release files (now via dropbox): <click me> 

Note: To download from dropbox click 'download' button at top right corner and choose 'direct download'. You don't need dropbox account

Link to web version: <click me> 

How to run game on android / ios: here 

What's new in this version:

  • Porn sequel event added - it is triggered the same way as first porn movie (via speaking to Coach), but Casey need to be on high and wear slave dress. It leads to office dp scene
  • We are testing "independent events" (something happens regardless if Casey participates or not) - Gators are having their beach party every fifth day after 'Fall of Casey' event (15, 20, 25, etc). This one leads to beach gangbang.

Additional info: 

  • Starting from v30 10$+ rewards are added in the game automatically via patron login. 
  • Also cloud save is available for all patrons
  • You can find updated walkthrough here 
  • For those of you who play the game using Standalone Flash Player I added guide section how to add game folder to Trusted Locations (need to do once) to allow it to connect via internet. You can find the guide at the bottom of this post 




Dear Leave2gether, oh, yes! I would call this update “ Casey party” )


Dear Leave2gether, can you tell me what mean “10$ rewards“ in your game?


access to in-game cheats, in-game gallery and later this year we will add act2 early access to 10$ tier as well


Avast claims the exe contains a virus. "Threat name: IDP.ARES.Generic. I presume it's a false positive, but I wanted to inform you guys anyway.


This is probably because app requires / allows access to the internet (for login). This is just a guess, I don't know why, I'm not Avast expert - I have no idea how to fix it and if it needs a any fix at all

Toris Frendon

there is a bug when "opening the door" to watch kelly and boss going at it, to black mail him with the camera, it dosent go any further its just keep looping. I thought it was just that one time but it happend the exactly the same time the second time


did you try to click everywhere? Maybe you missed the active spot? (in early scenes I placed them over characters)


Added link to web version. I'm still having issues with newgrounds, so using other websites to upload game right now

barry white

I download it as instructed and when I put my email address in...it only gives me access to v34...NOT v35??? am I missing something?


hi, Barry. Can you please redownload game? I checked your user in game db and everything is okay - you are v35 10$ active patron. There could be a bug 4h ago, but if you get only v34 now - you're probably running previous game file

Toris Frendon

yup clicked everywhere, but i found the problem, with black mail, somehow i dont know why but, when you try black mailing the boss with the camera you get from ram, you need to have some points with kelly i dont know how many but you need some.


how to download v35? downloaded only 33


Hi. You need to login this way: https://www.patreon.com/posts/changes-in-v30-24903708


Thanks. your game is the BEST I've seen on flash.sorry about my English. I use a translator