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I guess the name tells itself :)




Looks interesting, will there at some point to a Casey version of the Mr. Lethis party gangbang of Nikki. Where it will be Casey and she could send video tape to her boss? Not only would it be hot I think to have, but it might also make for story option where Mr. Lethis might try and hijack Casey, which could offer chance to make evolve relationship between the boss and her, if he might start realizing that he does not want anyone else to take her away from the company.


we did not plan it yet, but the idea is nice. I will add it to our pool of ideas to consider later


Dear Leave2gether, do you have any other projects?


nope, we don't really have a production capacity for that. If we had enough productivity with arts we would have moved to act2 instead.


bro you were sick for three days and need another month to catch up? that don't even add up.


Hi. Why month? It was delayed for one week, including coding new features for v34 And yeah, it took longer then three days to recover, sorry


When is it out?


animations are done, but I'm working over text and coding of the scene. Hopefully it is done this weekends


Dear Leave2gether, boss will masturbate his stick or you add something new?


hi. Will masturbate. The new feature of Boss is 'likes watching', so we develop few scenes around it


Dear Leave2gether, I think a blowjob scene for boss take a long time. Isn’t it?


yes, we were doing other scenes in the meantime. We have a very early / rough concept for lunatic blowjob scene for Boss right now


not really. Casey is not his wife or something. Though sometimes he likes fucking her himself, sometimes he likes sharing her with friends