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Okay, this release either has no bugs, or QA testing approach failed :)

Exe and swf files are attached below this post. App will be added tomorrow as well.

Updated walkthrough is here 

Web version on newgrounds here 

What's new in this version:

  • After unlocking 'Slave Dress' Casey may find out a small plastic card on the Boss table (at the evening when Boss is away) - this starts a chain of topics with other characters, leading to new sex scene with Boss
  • 'Pet' sex scene with Boss is available in gallery, but not in the game (approximately not until next release)
  • Casey can wear no panties after obedience reaches 50
  • Jack & Kelly scene had been reworked and replaced the old scene. Story to get it is the same. New scene has 2 routes, for second Casey needs 20 relations with Kelly
  • Tuna gloryhole scene occurrence were reduced

Web-version: will be added in 2 days if this version confirmed as bugs free


  • cloud saves are available for patrons all tiers and cam be used from previous version
  • cheats and gallery are integrated into game for 10$+ tier patrons
  • if you still need to transfer your local save games guide or other technical questions, please check our technical FAQ 
  • reminder how to log in with patreon account is here 
  • how to run game in iOS guide here 




if you can play through new content and don't find any bugs - this info will help too :)


my play through skipped over the "Show off for 'The Club' (default) Casey finds out about mysterious place 'The Club' and do first step to join it On the next day after Casey unlocks 'Slave dress', go to the Boss room after his working hours and pick up small blue card from his table Ask Boss about it and receive negative reply Ask Lana about it and tell her that Boss doesn't admit it was his card Speak to Sam Get back to Boss and make him confess. Agree to be his club pet"


Nevermind I got it to work and I'm really excited to see what happens next.


So you need to be a certain level Patreon to view to gallery. So this new scene isn’t available to everyone. Am I to understand correctly. Just trying to understand!


So, does anything change once you get 50 Obedience and go to work "commando"?


Im still confused at how to unlock the obedience stat, still need to add the app version as well when you have the time :p


hi, Jason. It will be available to everyone in the next version. The reason we did so is because we had scene ready and published it in early scenes, but when we were finalizing story part the difference of Casey attitude between 1st and 2nd was too big to ground it with story - so right now we're working over scene that happened between 1 and 2 - it will be in v33 as well as mentioned scene. Sorry for this inconvenience, it is not a kind of regular practice we plan or anything


not yet, though in the next release it will trigger naked variant of pet scene with Boss. Later we also plan to trigger some scenes (so it will allow extra dialogues) in "commando" mode


Hi, Evzen. Obedience is unlocked at the start of "Fall of Casey" event. You can find the list of scenes that can be regularly triggered and increase obedience (as well as maximum increase level for each scene) at the bottom of walkthrough here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/8181664


Is there an android release?

J. LeClair

Minor issue but Mr. Dalie's eyes disappear at the end of the Dorm Threesome with Dallie scene


How would I be able to play on iOS?


I can’t get passed the title screen when playing on iPhone from new grounds


Hi. For iPhones / iPads I recommend installing Puffin Browser and use it to navigate to this newgrounds web version: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/731249 This is not user-friendly or fast solution, but I wasn't able to find any better so far - iOS it too much restrictive / closed system nowadays


what doesn't work? If you can't click the buttons (and you use Puffin Browser), make sure to set Puffin Browser in Desktop Mode (otherwise some buttons might be not clickable)


How can i play it on my tablet? Which file?


Android version get lag, why is that? I have Motorola Z.


the game is not optimize for cellphone this is a well know thing


I have noticed Casey can't go to The Vault Cafe without panties on even after Obedience 50 or more.


So far the best way is to play webversion: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/731249 via Puffin Browser. See this guide: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26878367 Please let me know if it helps


Love theres finally a no panties option! Exhibitionism always been my favorite. Do you think Casey will ever have a challenge/dare to walk around in public with no top or bottom? Love that the beach is a nude beach but no ones there to interact with. Love the post lunatic boss w/o clothes but thats just her coworkers who've already all banged her lol she needs a challenge to walk fully nude thru the vault full of random strangers


walking around Vault topless might be really interesting. I need to think out how to implement that though (story, event, etc)


Or it could be a Coach dominance training thing. Casey shows up in the slave outfit and Coach makes her strip completely naked and serve drinks. If she has high enough obedience she does, if not she just does it in her slave outfit. Either way some customers will probably get a little gropey. (If shes dressed maybe it just ends at groping, but if she agrees to get fully naked it triggers a scene where the customers have their way with her)


this is a nice idea, but we will keep it for act2 - we plan Casey to be able to work at Vault as waitress


I have seen comments regarding "replaying scenes".. I think that it would make sense to make certain scenes unavailable once Casey progresses with obedience (make low obedience scenes or low "relationship with [boss, etc]" scenes not available once these values are high) and instead every time you go to bed be able to dream about them (remembering them). So, you would select the sleep option and then one of the dreams or none, same as with Lana. A benefit would be that you can replace a scene with one that has changed dialogue, but serves the same purpose (but slightly more accepting/more into it). It doesn't make much sense for Casey to be shocked/surprised at certain things each time. So, each repeated scene could have slightly different dialogue, while at night you dream about the first time it happened.


it does makes sense in general, though I don't really want (or better say - I afraid to) change obsolete code that is over 2+ years old now - it may result in huge amount of hard to detect bugs

Hunter 2658

Mac version downloads but always says file damaged ?


Hi, Preston. You need to follow this guide to run it on mac. HOW TO RUN APP ON MAC Here is the workaround I've got from one my patrons: Unzip the file so that the projector app (shown as a file that has a an icon with a white ‘f’ on a red square) is extracted. This is where the work around starts. Usually you’d double click this to start the app, instead you need to right/option click and select “Show Package Contents”. Finder should then open up the application folder and inside you’ll see one item named “Contents”. Right click on this and select “Copy Contents”. Next go to your desktop or any other folder you’d like to run the app from and create a new folder. You can name this anything you like, but for sake of argument let’s call it “leave2gether”. Once you create the application folder right-click on it and select “Paste item”. This should duplicate the “Contents” folder that you already copied from the original app folder into this new location. The last step to do after you’ve copied the “Contents” folder over is to rename the new “ leave2gether” folder to “ leave2gether.app”. Adding the .app extension will prompt OSX to ask you to confirm that you want to do this (it will change the folder into an app package). Click yes. Now the icon of the “ leave2gether” folder should turn into the white”f” on a red square. (Sometimes you need to drag the application thumbnail around a bit for it to refresh). At this point you can now double click on the application icon and it will run!

Hunter 2658

ok thanks everything's working fine now :)


I haven't been able to play on puffin browser for Android since this update. Game loads fine but every scene I start gives me a white screen and an error message. If I can resolve this issue I would love to become a $10 patreon. Only reason I'm not rn is I'm afraid the gallery with have the same issue for me. Ps Love your game great work.