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Hi guys!

Here comes the new version of leave2gether game!

It took a while, but I hoped it worth that.

Meanwhile this is the biggest game update, if you care, check change log below. If not - just download and try new version :)

New content:

• Gameplay implemented

• 4 new static scenes implemented (of total 6)

• 2 new h-scenes implemented (of total 4)

• New character ‘Boss’ introduced

Visual changes:

• Casey face, body, hair redesigned, reshaped

• Casey clothing redesigned

• New visual for dialog scenes implemented (‘static in motion’)

• New visual for dialog screens implemented (comics-like)

• Implemented ‘waving hair’ for characters, changed in existing scenes

• Created ‘static in motion’ clips for Casey, Jack, Boss, Kelly

• Implemented clothing system for secondary characters

• Started work over map (not included into this build)

Code changes:

• Implemented ‘days passing’ mechanics & salary

• Implemented quest mechanics (chains of short scenes): day 1 and day 3

• Implemented random encounters: day 2

• Walking part is changed to ‘days passing mechanics’



Adam Kindering

The update looks really good. I'm surprised with all you have added into this. The new system that replaced walking doesn't sit quite right with me though, it feels like the game just became almost completely linear, and has lost the freedom it had with walking, but maybe that's just me? Anyways, great job, keep up the hard work.


Thanks, Adam. For now it look linear as it don't really holds encounters. But this is the game still lacks content. But I'm working on it :)


This looks really promising!! I especially like the necessary "persuasion" before the sam scene progresses. It's little touches like this that make a game such as this exciting!


Hm, since it got days, will it somehow a little go into like a sim game where you race stats, pass days, work get money etc?


The new take on the game seems promising. There's a lot of potential for really great gameplay. I'm eager to see what we can buy with our money and maybe even see what more we can get from skill (or sluttiness) building. Great job on the anal sex scene too but I would like, perhaps a gallery or some way to see all scenes, for example both bathroom scenes, without having to restart the game again. I'm hoping to hear some kind of update from you soon. Keep up the good work.


Exactly what it will be later on! In addition I was thinking to add also some reversed dating quest chains with particular characters (like Jack & Casey)


Thanks, Benjamin! Yes, I will probably add gallery in one of the upcoming releases, as it is actually promised for supporters