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Scene assets (drawings) for reworked Jack & Kelly are done. We plan to have this scene either in v32 or v33




Looks great! Btw, how’s act 2 dev is going? Still on schedule for super early alpha in May?


sadly, but no. Right now we broke all possible deadlines for act2 - it is going super slow and I have not enough data to estimate super early alpha for it :(


I've tried to play this on my phone but it keeps telling me that it's unsupported, any suggestions?


Wait is it me or in this image there's an extra hand coming from Kelly? 1 hand on Jack's right shoulder, 2 and his left?

Adm Trd Ferg

the dude has more than two arms. And there are 3 chicks hands?


Can u provide the cheats for v0.31?


You guys really raised the bar with the artwork in this game, kudos and thank you, but whats with the cripplingly slow UI and half-assed original artwork? I cant ever get more than 15 fps from flash player for any of your releases and with the amount of walking around you incorporate into the game it's basically punishing people's eyes and patience for actually trying to play it. Ever consider migrating to Unity? Or at least replacing the rest of the original chars and scenery with something that doesn't look like a 6 yr old made it out of paper cut-outs and popsicle sticks so that while we have to crawl through the game at a snail's pace we at least have something decent to look at?


Transfer to unity is already planned, check out previous updates about act 2.


I wanted to ask, im gonna be a patreon, but is there android versions?


We have android version, BUT it works horrible (and we can't fix it for current game). For phone / tablets users I recommend playing web version (for example from newgrounds) in Puffin browser


Hey! Check out our new project!


Dear author, thanks for your creation, the game is beautiful. Separately I would like to note the graphics - drawing scenes at an amazing level, keep it up! The only thing that did not like is optimization. The game does not work as fast as we would like.


thank you! We are working on the ways to improve performance in the future as well