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Bound Together scene is done and uploaded to 5$+ early scenes (apk, exe, swf)

This scene has no excitement timer, instead it can be clicked through the dialogue.

We will probably add some button to click on (instead of clicking scene itself) in the future

Please let me know if this is better then excitement timer




I do think it is an improvement, the only thing is that now theres no way to know how much progress has been made, like before you could see how close it was to the... climax, but now i have no way to... time my progression ;). besides that it was a wonderful scene once again


Although I didn't mind the excitement timer that much, I'm very happy that I won't miss dialog because I clicked too fast.


i love how to scene changing is smoth as fuck easly your best animation


woah way her ears move looks so good real smooth stuff


Any info on which scene will be next?