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We were going to, but never actually posted patreon exclusive sketches for 5$+ tier. Probably I was afraid that you, guys, will be dissapointed if I post any, then 'something goes wrong', then scene is not delivered in time. What I learned from last release is 'something always can go wrong' and make people disappointed :D
So now I don't have a reason to keep all those nice sketches to myself only :P

We will introduce Behind the Scenes sketches - some nice drawings and information on what we did / planned about it. No promises in Behind the Scenes, as some sketches might be for long-long later end-story (yes, we have plans for that too), while some might never get into the game.

The first one is Casey Threesome posted here.




Had a couple ideas I thought id share, what about a daile and lana scene. Since they are now aquatinted, he could bang her after casey passes out drunk. Or after the threesome scene , casey is in the shower washing off all that jizz . Ans daile gets some from lana .Another ,lana brings something to casey at work, bumps into the boss. Now boss wants a piece of her. Just a couple ideas involving lana , she’s like one of my favorites.


Sounds cool, I wanted to have more of Lana (though current plan is with Jack) Do you have some reference for scene with Lana and Boss / Daile in mind?


i ran into an issue, while i was trying for the threesome with the horseman and lana i got the tuna panties bet event. this overlapped and despawned tuna making it so im not able to progresss into the threesom. is this event a re-occurance or do i have to start over :/


second, idk if i messed it up somhow. but the dorm party. i spoke to lana a night about the party and she said sure. i wake up the next morning and nothing happens. i talk to her again and i dont have the ability to ask abtou a dorm party. i play a few days more and i still dont have anything that refers to the dorm party.


hi. First one is a bug, I added this to check to my bug list Regarding dorm party - after you talked to Lana, speak to Jack on the next day to trigger the party. From Lana you only need a permission, since Casey stays at Lana's dorm


It never saves my game. I stay on the game for like 3 hours getting as far as I can and when I save it and come back to it in back at day 1 with not records of my saved game. It's starting to get really annoying. Also after I get to a certain point in the game like day 24 after Casey is on the table with the boss my fps drops so low I can barley walk around. It is perfectly fine until that point. How do i fix these problems?


just to clarify: 1) are you playing in browser or standalone?; 2) are you able to load during the same game session (or you don't have saves appear)?