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 Ok, guys,I saw a lot of different opinions on recent Casey face, that was used in Twerk scene - some of you were like it, some not. I was going to write this post for long enough already and I guess this is a good time to clarify things regarding this and many other changes happened to the project this year.

First of all - all of you guys are AMAZING!! Your support did change a lot already and keep changing for better of the project. Here are the main changes:

  • I was able to hire a full time artist. This should help to standardize graphics for most of the new scenes;
  • I have got a nice freelancing concept artist, helping a lot with composition of a new scenes;
  • I will keep using professional furry freelance artist's help even though their style are different (Lana & Tommi scene and Nikki scene were done by that artist)
  • I had some help with story writing before, but can't reach the author currently :(

What does that have to do with project and what about Casey cartoon face in twerk scene? 

  • Casey face is going to change a bit in the next works, less round / cartoon, more human / oval elements, even though some cartoon elements will stay (for emotion reasons mostly). You can see some examples above
  • I must assure you that changes to Casey face are reasonable, as we keep trying to improve everything, including game arts style. I know we treat it differently from many other projects, where it is either started by professional artists from the beginning, or (if not) just improving very slightly during game development. Current arts are different from what I had in the very beginning, but I don't see it as wasting money. We keep experimenting and not every try is a success, that's true. I'm not redoing old scenes because I think you'd prefer to see new parts of Casey story, but not many-months long process of redoing old story. Oh, I wish to get to the moment when I could say "This is our final art style, and we will keep it till the end of this project and any following" asap (fingers crossed)
  • I plan to speed up project development. Last month it was first time when I was able to release it with 2 completely new scenes and complicated story in 1.5 months. I have plans to try making pace of 2 new scenes and story every 1-1.2 month
  • Some furry scenes might still have different art style (like the one mentioned with Lana & Tommi, or Nikki threesome), but I really like those works as well and I think new scenes from the artist can be a decent update for a project

Well, this is about the changes. I don't know if all of them are positive in your eyes, guys... but sometimes you can't know exactly where are you going until you already there. 




If you should need help to write something in fluent English, feel free to write me anytime, I haven't played the last V. But at times I do find some mistakes, so I'm always willing to help out people, who do games I like


im completely fine with this change


Looks nice!


I like the new face, no problem from me


This is good! Evolving is awesome and I like the effort you are giving to constantly improve. You are the artist and we have to trust in your direction! Move forward! And thanks for this awesome game!


I enjoy the changes to Caseys face, more changes will happen in the future but I look forward to them all : 3 keep up the good work!


how do i downloade? :(


Improving the art is always a good thing but I would like it to be consistent. I'm not sure if I like the current style more then the previous but maybe by seeing more. I think the only problem is that there are too many variations so I would recommend going back and redoing scenes and the world art as you start getting a solid style. I know you think people would rather have new stuff rather then fix old stuff and that may be true but personally if the world art changed like how the bedroom did and if the characters art changed like how Nikki did then that's still like getting new content to me and it lasts longer because it's used in a lot more of the game. It's not new stuff but if the stuff I look at for like 70% of the game were updated I would be happy with that over getting a new scene I would only see rarely. Maybe have a poll about it? Maybe have one new scene and one revamp of an old art asset a month instead of 2 new scenes


I'm not sure about poll, because the last time I changed Nikki I've got almost the same amount of positive and negative feedbacks about the change. However I agree with you and I'm going to update some old broken scenes in the future (for example Sam blowjob scene). I need to think over updating most of old scenes. What of them do you think need replacement?


My favorite Nikki was her art style after the pizza blowjob. Bring back the nipple piercing and tattoos


me to and do some Nikki stuff to


Nikki and boos is very good

william wofford

biggest thing are the scenes with links that just say in development like some of the jack getting coffee scenes and the ,sam bj would be nice to see returned ,great news on the new artist ,I spent the last 4 weeks in the hospital getting a cancer cut out , fun fun.... the game is progressing nicely


I hope you're feeling fine, m8 (I don't mean fine like a kid, but at list cancer thing is fixed and you can just relax a bit, getting back in shape)?


The 2D somehow looks way better than the 2.5d maybe you can make another game in the future with the two pictures on the right as the artstyle